𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 : we

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The night before, we'd gotten into a bit of a scuffle with some old friends. And since then the two taking care of me had been a little on edge.

Nezi seemed to be a bit ticked, but she's calmed down a lot from a few hours ago. Minho on the other hand seemed somewhere else, mentally, at times. I wasn't sure how to help him so I just stood by his side and held his hand in a silly attempt to comfort him.

The severity of the situation hadn't quite hit me until we'd gotten home yesterday, and it still doesn't seemed real. Though, this does answer many questions I've had about both Rio and Minho's past encounters.

But there is one thing that still bothers me.

I can't help but think back to the time I'd found an old photo in one of Minho's boxes that day I helped him move. There were three smiling children, one obviously the boy I loved. The other two were unknown. But this gut feeling inside me, told me it was more than possible that boy, was Rio. And the girl was the one they'd both mentioned. Nadi. The one who was supposedly injured because of an ignorant decision made by children.

In some way, I see why Rio despised Minho, and blamed him for his sister's death. But then I also see things differently. Maybe because I'm an outsider, or because I never knew the girl, but If it were me, I wouldn't have blamed anyone. She chose to push herself in the wake of danger, knowing the consequences. Even still, I can understand why the two see it from different perspectives. They both loved her, and that was that.

Right now, we were eating a small breakfast in silence. Nezi was stuffing her face with food, while Minho just picked at his. I held his hand softly under the table and he neither let go, nor acknowledged that I'd done so.

It almost saddened me.

But there was really nothing I could do about it.


New message from group conversation!

Spider's maid cafe

Barbiedoll: has anyone seen Minho or Jisung?
Barbiedoll: like,
Barbiedoll: at all?

Lix: nope not for the past few days

Dandyboimo: neither those two girls
Dandyboimo: taeri and nezi was it?

Spider: yeah I'd like to know where my sister is

Lix: the amount of times I forget Jeongin has a sister is unhealthy

Chanislame: Yeah well camp ends tomorrow so are we just going to assume they went home? Because they've been absolutely no where to be found since what,, Tuesday?

Lix: yeah that's true
Lix: I'm a little concerned

Dandyboimo: well did you try calling them?

Barbiedoll: ...

Lix: ...

Spider: ...

Cinnabon: what

Chanislame: ...

Dandyboimo: you idiots oh my god

we're fine relax


Barbiedoll: where is Minho

Spider: where is my sister

Chanislame: where's nezi

Min: taeri is home, and we're with nezi

Barbiedoll: ,,,,
Barbiedoll: you're with nezi?

Min: yeah

Spider: what did you do

wdym what did he do

Chanislame: so you just left home to leave?


Min: pretty much


Lix: are you guys okay?

Yeah we're good

Min: yeah don't worry sung's just tired rn

Nez: I'm here T-T

Spider: NEZI

Chanislame: so what exactly happened to cause the four of you to go home?

I turned to Minho who was across the room from me sitting by the windowsill, while I was sat crisscross on the carpet by the outlet in order to charge my phone.

He seemed to have felt my gaze seeing as he looked up and over in my direction with tired eyes.

After a moment of awkward, uncomfortable silence, I decided to reach out to him because there seemed to be absolutely no energy left in him to speak his mind. Though I knew we were thinking the same thing. I could feel it.

min? can you hear me?

mhm, was all I got in return. Nothing more, nothing less. In a somewhat deadpan demeanor.

What should we tell them? We can't say I'm a werewolf now, can we?

Well we're gonna have to tell them eventually, and hope hyunjin doesn't bury me alive. But right now isn't a good time. I think we should do it in person when we get back to school, especially because we aren't going to hide our ears and tail anymore.

wait a second, we?

You mean. . .

Yup. I spent a while thinking about this, and i decided I won't hide it anymore. That encounter with Rio made me realize something. That something being the fact that In exchange for harming the person Rio loved most, he took something away from me. And I feel it's only right to atone for what I did, by expecting what's real. So I'm not gonna hide it. Not anymore.

"Are you for real?!" I spoke out loud.

He nodded, cracking some sort of soft smile. Giggling, I shot upwards and ran towards him just to engulf him in a tight embrace. If anyone was to ask me what I was feeling in that moment, it was more than likely happiness. Just pure happiness. I was proud of him. Really, proud.

He's learning to accept himself, and he's slowly willing to come out of that shell.

Spiders maid cafe

Min: don't worry about it too much we're alright
Min: Nezi just wasn't feeling well and taeri was too tired to drive her home so we just decided to help her out

Spider: ouuu
Spider: thanks for helping them out, taeri can't drive for shit let alone when she's tired

Lix: rude much? Jeez

Spider: stfu


vanilla ⤹ 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨Where stories live. Discover now