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"Get the fuck up before I smack you the fuck up!" The door burst open, slamming against the light grey wall.

"Chanmi it's 6 in the-"

"I don't care what time it is! We haven't been to a school in years ji! Now please, get up and get ready!" The girl shouted, fists in tight balls at her sides.

"Holy shit that's right! Oh my god—woah—" The male in the blanket burrito shot upwards, getting caught in his fluffy bed sheets as he hit the floor.

"My wall!" He shouted, his gaze locking on the novel hole where the door knob would have been moments prior.

"We'll fix it later!" Muffled yelling came from the wall behind him.

"Mom's gonna kill me." He groaned, still trying to untangle himself from the bedsheets.

It had been approximately nine years since the fraternal twin pairing had been to a school. The two had been home schooled by a single mother for more than half of their education. Though when they did attend school, they lived in a small town in which most people knew of each other and most families had ended up becoming friends.

But the time the two spent living there came to an end shortly after they'd turned six. As a result of their mother getting a better job elsewhere, they moved. And since, they'd been home schooled.

The twins never had many friends, none at all really, just each other. Though there was an exception when it came to online friends. Jisung, the brother, only had one person he truly considered a friend aside from his sister. To which he had known for a while, but still wasn't aware of his real name, simply one he preferred.

Chanmi, the sister, was extremely protective of her brother. She had gotten that from her mother, who was tremendously protective of both her children. To a degree some would call alarming. Especially when it came to boys and their relationship statuses.

Yes, boys.

Jisung always thought it was stupid, and so did Chanmi at times.

At present, the twins are now sophomores in high school. It had been decided by their mother that they would once again be relocating and the children would be attending a public school just nearby. It was a surprise to the two siblings when they learned just where they were moving to; which ironically was the small town they had grown up in.

Jisung and his sister were ecstatic, finally allowed to return to a place with such fond memories. They will be attending a school by the name of Sunwolf high, and that notion alone was enough to keep them up at night.

"Ji! We got twenty minutes! Please get up my sweet, irksome, darling little brother!" Chanmi deliberately hit the wall behind her brother's bed, her tone bearing some form of sarcasm.

As much as Jisung hated to say it, he was the younger sibling. By 60 seconds. And Chanmi refused to let him live that down.

The boy sighed, rolling to his feet.

"Where's my uniform?!"

"In your closet?!"

Jisung huffed, shoving his closet doors open. Without much more to it, he caught sight of a navy blue uniform and a light blue tie. He reached for it, and began to put it on layer by layer.

The uniform wasn't extravagant, but it wasn't casual. It was something they'd have to get used to.

As hard as he tried, Jisung couldn't hold back the smile beginning to paint his lips. He rushed over to the mirror, straightening his shirt and tie.

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