𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 : Rio! What did you do?!

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Today is a new day, and nothing is going to go wrong. I'm making damn sure of that.

My current class is Magics.

The teacher had not yet shown, so the kids were mingling and gossiping to themselves.

I for one, was alone.

I didn't really have friends in any of my classes, aside from Felix or Seungmin.

This class specifically, had neither of the two.

But I still managed to enjoy the lessons.

I mean who wouldn't?! It's magic.

I heard the door creak open. It's nothing new, so I didn't think to look.

I kept my head down, doodling on my handout from Monday.

The seat next to me was empty, as usual.

Well, it should've been.

Someone plopped down in the chair, placing their chin in their palm.

I slowly looked up, slightly recognizing the male who fondly watched me.

"Hey shorty." He grinned.

"Rio?" I smiled a little.

"That's me." He giggled.

"Hey." I placed the pencil down, sitting up with a big smile. "How are you?"

"I'm quite good now that I've seen you." He snickered seeing my reaction.

I flushed, covering my face.

"I-I've never had someone talk to me like this, I'm sorry if I have a bad reaction or something." I laughed awkwardly.

It's not creepy, but a bit out going I guess.

"Don't worry sweets, you'll get used to it." Rio smiled, "and you're reactions are perfectly fine. Cute, actually."

I smiled, my head hanging low.

How am I supposed to react? I barely have two close friends, and I'm still not totally comfortable with myself around them. This is just a bit more, startling. You could say.

But that's how he is. So might as well go along with it.

The male chuckled, sitting back in his chair as the teacher finally entered the classroom.

I settled myself, holding in a giddy smile.

What's for today?

"Welcome back to class, I see most of you are happy to be here." The woman giggled, surveying the room. "So I'll cut to the chase. Today we'll be working with portal potions."

Portal potions?

"We won't be going into much depth, but just enough to mess with some objects. So clean off your area! Hurry hurry!" The teacher instructed, her happy aura becoming contagious.

I did as she asked, quickly shoving everything I had in my bag. It's a nasty habit, but who said it was necessary to be organized all the time?

"Okay, I prepared materials for you guys at the lab stations. You may go and see them, the instructions are quite simple and will be there in the potion book. If you have any further questions, see me. Have fun kiddos." The woman smiled, "I've got some work to do."

Everyone nodded, rushing to the stations.

I giggled happily, racing to the nearest one.

Many materials were nicely set out, many cups and jars filled the area.

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