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Ushijima's pov

I sigh as I get into the house after taking my dog Irene for a walk. I was hungry since the first thing I did when I woke up was take Irene for a walk.

I ate and decided on going back to sleep. When I woke up Irene was at the foot of my bed with her leash

I sigh and smile at her patting her head.

"I already took you on a walk today" I say getting up and going to the front door and letting her outside to do her business.

I go to the couch and turn on the tv. About two minutes later I hear a little voice

"Mommy!!!! A puppy!!!"

I get up from the couch looking out the door seeing some kid playing with Irene in my yard.

"Kogane! Get over here! The owner probably doesn't want you playing with her" a voice says. I look over seeing a pretty lady. I couldn't help but Gawk at her she was so pretty. Her skin glowing underneath the sun

"O-okay bye doggie" he says waving and walking away. Soon Irene came running in the house

"I see you have a new friend" I say smiling patting her head

-time skip-

The next morning I didn't feel like taking Irene or a walk so I just let her outside and go make myself some breakfast.

After eating I had kind of forgotten about Irene so I rush to the door seeing her rolling around with that kid again. Why is he always outside?

"Kogane if I have to tell you again! Your going to be in trouble!" The same lady from yesterday says

"Can we have her mommy?" He asks

"Baby no I'm pretty sure she's somebody's dog she has a collar on" the lady says picking up the boy

"Wait! Can you put me down?"He asks And the woman does as asks. He takes out a piece of paper and putting it on irenes collar. He pats her head before leaving with the woman

After doing her business Irene comes inside with the note attached to her collar. I lock the door and pick up the note reading it. It was sloppily written in blue crayon

"Mr. Neighbor! My name is Kogane! I'm in third grade! I like aniemals and I took like to your doggie. I was wondering if just mabe I can walk your doggie some times?"

I chuckle at the note sitting it on the counter

"Wanna go for a walk Irene?" I ask making her bark in response

I grab her leash hooking it on and walking out the door. I walk over next door seeing the kid playing with a football

"Doggie!" He shouts

"Hey kid" I say. He looks up at me and wave at me

"Your the doggies owner?" He asks

"Yes her names Irene and I got your note would you like to walk her with me?" I ask

"Really?" He asks gasping

"Yeah" I say with a slight smile

"Mommy can I?" He asks turning around to the woman on the porch that I didn't even notice

"Only if I can come with" she says smiling at me

"O-of course" I say putting my hand out

"U-Ushijima" I say as she takes my hand

"I know Mr.volleyball player... I'm y/n" she says smiling

"Mr.Ushijima can I have the leash?" Kogane asks I nod and give him the leash and we start walking

"If you don't mind me asking...where's his father?" I ask looking over at the kid rolling around with Irene

"He Uh he died about two years ago" she responds

"Oh I'm sorry I asked" I mumble

"No it's okay. Kagone is aware of his father passing" y/n says smiling

"He's really a smart kid" she says

"Yeah" I respond back

"So what about you? Anybody special in your life?" She asks

"Uh no actually women stay away from me backside they know of my busy schedule" I say sadly

"Don't worry you'll find them soon" y/n says patting my back with a smile

"Mr.Ushi?" Kagone says walking over with Irene


"Are you gonna take my mommy on a date?" He asks

"Uh" I say blushing

"You should she's lonely" he says patting Irene's head

"Kagone!!" Y/n shouts

"Well with that being said...would you mind going on a date with me?" I ask blushing

"This is where you say yes" Kagone whispers

"Hush boy!...I'd love to go on a date with you" y/n says smiling


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