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-asahi pov-

I walk into the house with a sigh. I take my shoes off throwing them by the door.


I smile as my kids jump onto me.

"Hey guys where's your mother and sister?" I ask

"Tristian is sleep and mommy is cleaning" Kenny says

"Dad we need to talk" Aj says grabbing my hand dragging me to kitchen

"Oh okay what's up man" I say

"Mommy was crying earlier" he says

"Why?" I ask

"I don't know. I asked her and she told me not to tell you" he says

"And yet here you are...telling me"I says chuckling

"Dad I'm serious" he says

"Okay I'm gonna check on her okay?" I say standing up making him nod.

I go up stairs where she was. She wasn't in our room but I fount her when Omnira started crying. I walk into the room she and Ada share. Ada wasn't to keen on sharing her room but after omnira was born she was happy to Share with her little sister.

"Baby I'm home" I say walking into the room

"So I've heard" she says with a sigh

I go over to the crib where Omnira was baby talking to a stuffed animal in the corner

"Why does she have a bib on?" I ask taking it off

"Hey babygirl I'm home" I say pick her up. She gives me a big gummy smile slobbing everywhere

"That's why she has a bib on. Now put it back on her" y/n says walking away. I frown putting the bib on Omnira and putting her back to sleep before going to find y/n

"Y/n what's wrong why are you acting cold?" I ask

She was looking out the window meaning her back was facing me. I heard her sniff which makes me stand up and go to her

"Baby what's wrong?" I ask

"A-a blog came out about you and Yuki...about you cheating on me" she says sighing. Oh no

"Did you believe it?" I ask

"No" she says making me sigh of relief

"But that was until she showed up to our home. Where our kids sleep showing me proof that you've been with her" y/n says

"Y/n she's lying" I say

"Really?" Y/n asks

"Yes baby I would never do something to cost me my family" I say honestly

"Then what are these!" Y/n asks throwing an envelope at me. I pick them up seeing pictures of me Yuki and what seemed to be old text messages without a date.

I sigh throwing my head back. A couple of years ago before we had Aj me and y/n were constantly arguing. We both got fed up and ended things. I met Yuki and we were seeing each other but I ended that when y/n came to me saying she was pregnant

"You believe these?" I ask

"Yes! That's you! Asahi! That's your number in those text messages! You fucking bastard!" She says pushing me

"You don't trust me?" I ask

"Not like I did before." She says

"And why not?" I ask

"Asahi this isn't the first time you cheated on me!" She shouts

"Y/n I was in high school! I was a boy! I'm a man now! I love you and my kids! So why the hell would I be messing around with this woman?" I ask

"I don't know asahi! That's something you have to ask yourself! You messed around on that girl not me!" Y/n shouts back. Before I could say something Kenny came up the stairs

"Uh dad there's some lady by the name of Ms.Yuki at the door asking for you" he says

I groan and walk away from y/n going to address this girl. I was met with her in my living room.

"Who let her in the house?" I ask

"Kenny" Aj says walking to the kitchen

"Kids go up stairs while I talk to this...pest" I say making them nod. Everyone goes upstairs but Ada. She just clings to my leg. I sigh picking her up looking over Yuki

"What do you want? How'd you find me?" I ask

"Kiyoko" she says shrugging. Of course

-y/n's pov-

I slowly make my way downstairs to listen to what was being said

"Why are you doing this?" Asahi asks

"What? Coming to take my man back?" She asks

"I was never your man! Me and my wife was going through something at the time and I needed a friend" asahi says

"Admit it you got me pregnant!" She says smirking

"Yuki...I wanna beat your ass we both know I didn't get you pregnant" asahi says damn near making me laugh.

Ada starts screaming and pointing at the girl calling her a bad lady

"Admit it! You just want to mess up my life" asahi says

"Fine. I do. You live in this big house with a beautiful wife and four beautiful kids. I want that. Come with me" she says

I run upstairs handing Omnira to Aj who was questioning what I was doing. I ignore him running back down the stairs tackling her like I was a football player

"Bitch! You tried to fuck with my family? I'll fuck you up!" I say getting ready to swing on her but somebody grabs my arm

"Baby no stop get off her" asahi says pulling me up by my arm

"You better get that bitch out my house before she'll be leaving in a body bag" I say taking Ada from him and walking into the kitchen

I sit Ada on the counter and give her some apple slices as I take out something for dinner. I soon hear the door close and asahi running into the kitchen

"Baby" he says and that's all I took for me to break down and crying in his arms

"I'm sorry! I should've believed you" I said

"It's okay Baby. What happened years ago really hurt you and you never recovered. And I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten involved with her" he says smiling down at me

"I love you" I say

"I love you to" he says kissing my lips

"If you weren't already my wife I'd ask you to marry me" he says smirking grabbing Ada who was now messing with the dish water

"Oh really?" I ask

"Really" he says smiling walking out with Ada in his arms

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