Wedding dresses//Nishinoya

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-third person-

You sigh as your cousin hands you another dress that you didn't like. It wasn't even the correct color for you wedding!

You, Y/n l/n were to be married to yu Nishinoya in 2 months. After years of dating he popped the question!


You had a big fight with your brother Tanaka at the house You shared with him and seako which ended up with you spending the night with Noya. That also lead you to moving in with Noya.

You make your way into the home you and Noya share and noticed he was at the door with his swim suit on with a big smile on his face.

"Hey babe...what's with the get up?" You ask

He throws your all black bikini at you telling you to put it on. You do so and he drags you out the house. Your destination was a beach

For an hour or so you both played in the water laughed and talk. Then you both ended the night with a walk on the beach. Noya slips a paper into your bikini top.

You stare at him as he looks away whistling a Tune. You grab it and it said "turn in front of you". You thought it was kind of sketchy and look At Noya

"Just do it" He says

"Fine"  you do as told. You open the paper out of curiosity and it had more words on it

"Wait 5 minutes" it said

You could hear Noya breathing hard

"Nishi" you say

"Don't turn around!" He yells

After about a minute he tells you to turn around. As your turn around you see him on one knee with a box in his hand

"Look It has been 3 years now since that day that we met.The memory is still fresh in my mind and every time I relive the moment, a small smile starts to lay out on my lips. I am taking a bold step today in making a big decision to follow my heart and express my deep feelings for you. I'd like to have you share the rest of your life with me. So please...Marry me?" He asks closing his eyes

You take a deep breath seeing a few people looking at the two of your causing you to blush deep

Not that anybody could see

"Come on y/n I need an answer" he says

You bring your hands up to your face and screech then launch yourself at him making you both fall to the ground

"Yes yes yes yes!!! A thousand times yes!!!" You say bringing his lips to yours

As you both share a passionate kiss he slides the ring on your finger and people cheer for you two.

-end of flashback-

You smile at the memory.

"Y/n what about this one?" Your brother asks picking up a Pink dress

"Tanaka our colors are black and blue!" You yell at him

"My bad sis" he says nervously putting back

You were tired of the dresses your family members were handing you and decided to take matters into your own hands going to look your self and you fount the one

You were tired of the dresses your family members were handing you and decided to take matters into your own hands going to look your self and you fount the one

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"YES!!!" You yell as everyone in the store looks at you. You clear your throat

"Carry on" you say going to try it on. You come out and your family goes crazy.

"That's the one!!" Saeko says smiling

"Looks more like a prom dress" Tanaka says making your mother smack him

"Honey if you like it we love it" she says smiling

"Hey babe you left your phone on the tab- woah" you hear from behind you. You turn around meeting Noya's eyes

"Is this your dress?" He ask with a blush

"Yeah" you say going up to him

"You look beautiful" he says as you giggle

As he tries to lean down and kiss you but Tanaka grabs noya by the shirt kicking him out

"Sorry lover boy your not supposed to see her in her dress" tanaka says

"Fine see you at home Babe love you!!" He yells from outside the shop

"I Love you to" you say with a love struck sigh

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