Fancy Nancy//Tanaka

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Prt 2. Honeymoon in Hawaii
-Tanaka's pov-

"Get up get dressed!" Yn says slapping my arm

"Yn baby imma need you to stop...respectfully" I say making Yn smack my arm again

"Stay yo ass off tik tok and get dressed" Yn says walking over to her bag

"I don't have the energy" I say sighing

"And why not?" Yn asks sarcastically

"Girl I've been stuffing you with 9 inch dick all day! I'm.Tired!" I say

"Ryunosuke...get cho butt up now! If you don't you can forget about later tonight" she says

"You dont mean?" I asks sitting up making her nod

"Yup! I mean it. I will not put on that new set and dance for you" she says

"B-but you promised!" I say pouting

"Well I guess you better get dressed then" she says smirking

I sigh walking over to the outfit she put out for me

"You better dance like the rent due tonight" I say smacking her butt as I walk pass her to the bathroom

"And you better get dressed. Don't worry about me" she says curling her hair. I groan freshening up and putting on my clothes

"Black or white!" Yn shouts

"Black! Whatever it is" I say putting on my watch. After finishing up I walk out seeing Yn fully dressed looking like a full course meal

"Well shit! My dinners already arrived" I say grabbing her by the waist

"Ryu stop playing so much" Yn says laughing

"Let's take a picture before we leave" I say walking with her over to the bathroom pulling out my phone. After taking one picture because we beautiful like that, I post it on Instagram

(The outfits👇🏽)

(The outfits👇🏽)

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Ryu.T brown cinnamon sugar🤎🍪🍫🍯

"Alright I'm ready" I say grabbing her hand leading her out the house

-time skip-

I slap the waiters hand away from yn's chair as he tries to pull it okay

"Appreciate it but I will pull out my wife's chair thanks bruh" I say giving him a sarcastic smile

"U-Uh okay? Can I start you off with anything to drink?" He asks

"Bring us your most expensive wine" I say

"Tanaka!" Yn whispers

"I'll be right out with that" he says smiling before leaving

"It seem like the food is expensive to" Yn says

"Get whatever you want" I say

"Tanaka-" she starts but I cut her off

"I'm not trying to hear that! Get you some dessert while you at it" I say as the waiter comes back with the wine

"Are we ready to order?"

"Yes I'll take the Saimin what do you want baby?" I ask Yn

"Uhh can I have Luau stew" Yn says

"Okay any dessert?" He asks

"Yea the strawberry mochi and croissada" Yn says

"Okay! I'll have that out as soon as I can" he says grabbing our menus. I look over at Yn with a smile

"What? Something on my face?!" She asks

"No baby you just look beautiful" I say making her giggle

"Thank you" she says

"You don't have to thank me for complementing you. As your husband it's my job" I say grabbing her hand from across the table

"Oh really?" She asks

"Really. Just cause I married you doesn't mean I stop telling you things like "your beautiful" or even good morning" I say

"Your so sweet baby I love you so much" she says making me blush

"I love you to" I say

While waiting on our food we talked about work and things like that.

"They're thinking about switching me out" I say

"Switching you out? With who? Why?" I ask

"I don't even know and I don't even think I want to go" I say sighing

"Why? It may be good for your volleyball career" Yn says

"Yeah but I just don't want to leave Noya behind" I say honestly

"Baby I know you and Noya have been on the same team since Junior high but sometimes you have to do what's good for you" Yn says

"Yeahh I know I just don't want this to come between our friendship" I say

"Ryu...Hinata and Kageyama aren't even on the same team and They are LITERALLY about to be a married couple" Yn says

"That's different! Those two are a couple! Me and Noya are friends" I say

"Your making it different. What I'm saying is those two were bestfriends before they were together. And when they were just bestfriends they Weren't even on same team" Yn says

"True" I say

"Noya will always be your bestie" Yn says making me cringe

"Don't call him that" I say making her laugh

After eating our food and dessert we just walk around hand in hand.

"Thank you for bringing me here Ryu. I really appreciate it" Yn says

"Aht aht! What I tell you about that? Don't thank me for doing my job. There will be more of this I promise! How about The Bahama's next?" I ask

"I'm thinking Jamaica but yeahhhh let's go there!" Yn says making me laugh

"We can go to Jamaica as many times as you like" I say kissing her cheek

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