My CEO//Ushijima

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-Ushijima's pov-

I whistle as I walk around the office

"Good morning Mr.Ushijima" I nod winking at that woman

I didn't know my employees names by heart. But I did know the name of my CEO.Yn Ln. Such a beautiful woman. She had been here since the ground up. When my business was in a tiny small office room in my parents house.

I may have developed a crush on her over the years but who wouldn't! She was beautiful and knew how to do her job

I slowly walk over to her office knocking on the door.

"Tendou if you don't have those papers I don't want to speak with you" Yn says. I open the door stepping in

"I'm not Tendou but am I your boss" I say smirking walking over to her desk

"Well boss...I am sorry I thought you were Tendou" she says typing away on her computer

"Obviously" I say going to sit in front of her desk

"Is there anything you need Mr.Ushijima?" She asks

"You know better than to call me that" I say

"Wakatoshi is there something you need?" She asks

"Did you forget you said you'd have lunch with me today?" I ask

"No I didn't did you forget your just 20 minutes early" she says smiling my way

"Oh am I?" I ask looking down at my Rolex

"It seems that I am" I say making her laugh

"I only have to finish this and I'm done. Give me 10 minutes" she says

"Okay I'll sit here" I crossing my lips

"So where are we going?" She asks

"Shikon" I say looking down at my phone

"Shikon! The new restaurant that just opened up?!" She asks

"Yup" I say

"It's like impossible to get reservations!" She says

"I have connections also my treat" I say winking over at her

"Well your such a gentleman "she says smiling at me

"I try" I say making her laugh. She stands up from her desk pushing her chair in

"Let's go" she says

I walk over to her coat rack grabbing her coat putting it on her and we go to the elevator

"I heard the food there is really good" I say

"I have to I bet it's expensive to" she says sighing

"Don't worry about price. Buy whatever you want" I say smiling

"Oh I don't want to spend your money it's okay" she says waving her hand

"No I insist! Think of it as a thank you for being my Wonderful beautiful ceo" I say grabbing her hand kissing it with a smirk

"O-Okay if you say so" she says smiling. I run my thumb over her soft skin Starring into her eyes

"St-stop looking at me" she says shying away

"I could help myself...your beautiful" I say smiling letting go of her hand

I had her right where I wanted her

-time skip-
-yn's pov-

"We have so much paperwork to do" I say sighing as we get into the elevator

"Or not take a break yn" Ushijima says

"Ouuu okay Proprietor" I say making him laugh

"Thanks but I rather get this done" I say sighing

"If you say so" he says smirking over at me

"Hey! What's with the smirk?" I ask. He pushes off the wall he was leaning on walking in front of me

"Ms.Yl" he says smirking

"Mr.Ushijima" I say back

"Now you know to call me wakatoshi" he says walking closer to me

"What is it wakatoshi?" I ask slightly annoyed

"I had a very good time at lunch today" he says smirking putting his hand by my head

"I bet you did seeing as we stayed for two hours" I say slowly moving over but he traps me with both hands making me nervous

"Uhh wakatoshi what is this?" I ask

"I've had my eye on you for a long time yn" he says taking his finger putting under my chin making me look up at him

"For how long wakatoshi?" I ask humouring him

"As long as we've know each other yn" he says making me chuckle

"Your tipsy wakatoshi" I say

"On the contrary Yn...I'll have you know I have a sip of the champagne we ordered" he says smirking taking me by shocked

"I know what I want yn" he says slowly leaning in

"And what is that?" I ask feeling the thick sexual tension

"You" he says and with one swift motion he had my back against the elevator and my legs hooked around his waist

"Is that right?" I ask

"Yeah it is" he says leaning in kissing my lips. After a few seconds I start kissing back. I moan into the kiss allowing him to skip his tongue in my mouth

I open my eyes seeing the elevator was about to stop. I pull away jumping down from his grip. Just then the door opens and in walks Samantha's ass. I roll my eyes checking myself in the mirror

"Good afternoon mr.Ushijima would you like to have lunch with me?" She asks smirking

"No he's okay we just came back from lunch thank you" I say with a sarcastic smile

"Oh okay" she says looking me up down before turning forwards. I sigh looking over at Ushijima who had dark red lip stick smeared on his face

My eyes go wide as I stand in front of him trying to clean it off by he stops me

"Stop!" We both whisper shout at each other

"This seems to be my stop. Come to office before you leave yn please?" Ushijima asks stepping out the elevator

"Uh yeah" I say smiling

"Oh I have some papers to drop off so I'll be there before I clock" out Samantha says smirking back at me

"Uh okay see you yn" Ushijima says as the elevator closes

I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in. I look up seeing Samantha glaring at me

"What?" I ask

"He's mine so don't get any funny ideas" she says smirking. I roll my eyes as the elevator opens

"Girl please I can fire you! YOU don't get any funny ideas" I say walking out the elevator


This was a dream I had except it was Captain Obi from fire force💀😜

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