Pretty Marks//Iwaizumi

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-Iwaizumi's pov-

I sigh touching the hickeys on my neck. How was I going to hide these at practice tomorrow? I sit on the toilet looking for y/n's makeup bag when I noticed hickeys on my thighs.

I was to into moment to even notice or care. I sigh and shake my head

"Y/n" I say from the bathroom. I don't get a response. I repeat myself and still no response

"Y/NNN!!!" I shout

"What nigga?" Y/n says walking into the bathroom

"What I tell you about giving me hickey's?" I ask her

"You told me not to give them to you because you might have to practice the next day" she says rocking in her heels

"So why do I have hickeys all over my neck and thighs?" I ask

"Cause I wanted to put pretty marks on my man" she says pouting still rocking on her heels Making me sigh

"I know baby I just don't want the guys teasing me" I mumble

"Why are they teasing you? Cause you get more pussy than they do?" She asks sitting on my lap

"Hey hey hey language" I say blushing

"I'm just saying there's no reason you should be getting teased because your girlfriend gave you hickeys in an intimate moment" she says kissing my temple

"I know but it's only right I give you pretty marks in return" I say smirking

"Why? You already put some on my stomach and back" she says giving me a questionable look

"If my pretty marks are on display yours need to be as well" I say smirking

"Boy I don't care! Mark me up!" She says

"Y/n! I was joking" I say

"Aw" she says pouting which makes me laugh

-time skip-

"Iwa...what's that on your leg?" Kindaichi asks

"I fell and bruised my leg" I say

"That can't be true you have the same 'bruises' on your neck and arms" oikawa says

"Oh my pretty marks?" I ask

"Your hickeys?" Matsukawa asks

"You let y/n put hickeys on you?" Hanamaki asks making the team laugh. I was about to shout and scold them but I remember what y/n said yesterday

"You let your girl suck on your neck?!"

"He was probably moaning to"

"Not y'all laugh because my girl put hickeys on me?" I say making them stop laughing

"What makes that funny?" I ask

"Your neck is just marked up-" kunimi says but I cut him off

"It sure is! And I will continue to flaunt my pretty marks thank you very much" I say rolling my eyes


I look over seeing y/n walking into the gym with my bag

"Hey baby" I say taking the bag from her

"Stop leaving your bag at my house" she says rolling her eyes

"Okay I won't do it again" I say pulling her into a hug and kiss. As I try to let go she pulls me back in putting a fresh hickey on my neck

She pulls back slapping the spot with a smile

"And there's more where that came from" she says winking and leave out. I smirk watching her walk out

"Did you see her neck" somebody whispers

"See all those pretty marks I made?" I ask chuckling Going to change into my practice clothes


Idk what this is

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