Mornings like this//Asahi

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Y/m/n= your middle name
-Time skip into the future-
-Asahi's pov-

I woke up the sun shining down on my face. I look over the left seeing my wife still asleep. I sigh with a smile.

The sun shinning down on her beautiful melanin skin and I loved it. I kissed her exposed shoulder before getting out the bed to open the curtains some more

"Baby? Come back to bed" she says turning around looking at with tired eyes

"I'm coming" I say getting back into the kissing her and rubbing her stomach.

"How's the baby girl?" I ask

"Oh she's fine all she does is kick all day" y/n says rolling her eyes making me laugh

"I bought her some clothes the other day" I say

"Asahi? Really? She's not even here yet" Y/n says

"I know but they are cute little foot onesies" I tell her with a pout. She laughs at me running a hand through my hair

"I love you" she says making me smile

"You sure it isn't my hair that you love?" I ask smirking

"Oh I love the hair to" she says and we both laugh. She laughed that beautiful laugh that was like music to my ears. I'd listen to all day.

That beautiful smile put bright sunflowers to shame with how bright and beautiful it was.

"Mama! Papa!"

Our bedroom door opens and in walks our other three children

AJ, Ada and kendo but we call him Kenny.Aj was our oldest(10) Kendo was the middle child(7) and Ada was the baby(3) well until her sister is born

"Morning babies" I say lifting them all up and dropping them on the bed making them laugh. I watch as Ada crawls over to y/n touching her stomach

"Baby?" She asks

"Yeah your baby sister" I say

"We need to come up with a name babe" y/n says

"How about...y/m/n" I say smiling

"Why my middle name?" Y/n asks

"It's just pretty to me" I say smiling

"Okay... that's her name then" y/n says smiling

Just then we hear a thud. I look over seeing kendo on the floor

"Owwwe!!! Mommmmm!! Daaaaaaaad!" He shouts

"I'm pregnant help your son" y/n says grabbing Ada and leaving the room

I chuckle and shake my head grabbing my two boys kissing their head

"I love you guys!" I say

"We love you to papa!" They shout

I loved mornings like this

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