Here 4 you// Oikawa

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Y/n's pov

I had just made dinner for myself and maybe Oikawa if he comes over after his game. I make his plate and put it in the microwave and run to my ringing phone


"Yeah?" I respond back

"Its-it's iwai" iwaizumi says

"Oh hey wassup you sound upset" I say

"Cause I am the whole teams bumed we Uh...we lost to kurosano" he says with a sigh and just then my nephew runs in cheering

"Ah I'm sorry to hear that" I say with a frown

"Yeah just giving you a heads up Oikawa is on his way over and you know how he gets after we lose a game" iwai says

"Thanks for the heads up you have a good night iwai" I say before hanging up and turning to my nephew who had the biggest grin on his face

"We Won! Auntie y/n we won! I beat oikawa!" Kageyama shouts before I punch him

"What I tell you about calling me that! I'm literally four years older than you!" I say

"Yeah but your still my auntie" Kageyama says throwing his arm around my neck looking down at me

"I'm proud of ya" I say patting his back

"You should be! I smell jerk chicken macaroni and pepper pot soup! Give me a plate" Kageyama says going to my kitchen

I kick him in the back making him whine

"You don't demand things over here!" I say walking in the kitchen and making him a plate

"Your the best auntie in the world" Kageyama says kissing my cheek

"Yeah your only saying that cause I gave you some food" I say laughing

"Hey why didn't you come to my game today?"He asks eating his food

I couldn't tell him it's because I knew there'd be a chance of him playing against St joe and I'm actually his long time rivals girlfriend

"I was busy" I say

"Doing?" He asks

"Doing adult things" I say

"Your 18...not an adult" he says rolling his eyes

"Kageyama don't make me hurt you" I say just then I hear the key pad of my apartment. I panic I thought I had time before oikawa got here

"Y/n?"" Oikawa shouts

"Ouuu you finally got a man?" Kageyama says making me smack him upside the head

"Y/n didn't you hear me calling you-" oikawa says looking at Kageyama



"Here we go" I mumble

"Whats he doing here?" They both ask pointing at each other

"She's my auntie/ girlfriend" they both speak at the same time as I sneak over to the microwave to get oikawa's plate

"He's your boyfriend/nephew?" They both ask

I sigh and put the plate on the counter

"Oikawa come eat" I say sitting the plate at the table

"No! Why didn't you tell me this?" Oikawa says

"Does it matter? What are you gonna do? Break up with me cause he's my nephew?" I ask But I got no answer

"Auntie y/n I'm gonna go I'll call you tomorrow" Kageyama says leaving and leaving silence behind him

"Come eat" I say

"I don't want to" he says

"Why you always want to eat my jerk chicken" I say

"We lost to Karasuno... I'm pretty sure the king told you" oikawa says

"Yeah iwa told me before you both came over" I say

"Maybe I could've won if you were there like you are for every game" he says bitterly

"Now oikawa don't even start" I say

"What y/n? You weren't there when I needed you to be" he says

"I wasn't there cause I knew there'd be a 50% chance that you'd play Karasuno and seeing as my nephew plays for Karasuno I'm not about to pick and choose who I'm cheering for so I stayed home! And don't be like that! I've came to even bigger games than this! I've always been there for you!" I say

"Y/n...." he says

"And now your feeling bad because you yelled at me for not being there. I felt bad for not coming and that's why I made you dinner you don't have to eat I don't give a fuck" I say walking out the kitchen and go to my room to change

Soon oikawa walks into the room with a pout on his face

"What the fuck are you pouting for? I'm the one who should be pouting" I say rolling my eyes

"I know I just wanted to say sorry. I don't want you mad at me" he says sitting on my bed

"Whatever toru" I say putting some socks on

"Y/n don't be like that" he says grabbing my hand that's I snatch away from him

"No cause this is the third time you've done this. Everytime you lose a game you take your anger out on me and then say shot like 'oh your never here for me' when I'm always here for you! That hurts oikawa" I admit

"I know and I'm sorry it just makes me upset that we lost to kurasano. Now I-we can't beat ushijima" he says sighing

"It's always me me me with you. Did you take how your teammates feel into consideration? They want to beat shiratorizawa as much as you do. Your really selfish when it comes to this sport" I say leaving the room With him following me

"I know just please forgive me? I can't have you going to bed mad at me." He says

"Fine...under some conditions though" I say

"Anything my love" he says grabbing my head

"You do my homework" I say


"And bring me food all week"


"And suck my toes" I say to see his reaction

"Gimme your foot" he says holding his hand out

"Boy no I was joking" I say

"Y-yeah I was to" he says sheepishly

"Toru oikawa...don't tell me you have a foot fetish" I say in a gasp

"N-no I was just ready to do anything for your forgiveness" he says making me

"Yeah okay but seriously start recognizing that I'm here for you" I say bringing him into a hug

"I will. I love you y/n" he says kissing my cheek

"Love you to toru"

How I feel about this one: eh

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