Wife?!// Ukai

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Coach ukai

-Hinata's pov-

I sigh as we take a break from practice. The team was determined to get to spring nationals. We were all working hard including coach I could tell he was stressed

Just as coach was about to say something a woman walked through the door. She was very pretty. She had long straight black hair(ya got cha lace on today sis!) with a black pencil skirt and a dark red button up shirt with black high heels

"Uh hell ma'am how can I help you?" Daichi asks

"I'm looking for your coach" she says smiling

"Uh he's over there" Daichi says pointing. She looks over at coach smiling before running to him jumping into his arms

He gives her the biggest smile wrapping his arms around her

"Who's she?" I ask

"Beats me never seen her before" Suga says

"Hello coach Ukai" she says smirking

"Hello Mrs.Ukai" he says smirking then kissing her

"Mrs.Ukai!" Ashai shouts

The two seemed to be in their own world not even thinking about us until Daichi clears his throat

"Hello ma'am I'm Daichi and I'm the caption of this team" Daichi says smiling

"Nice to meet you" she says hugging him. I can tell by his shocked face he didn't expect it but he hugged back anyway

"Uh coach not to be rude or anything but who is she?" Kageyama asks

"She's my wife" he says pulling her into a hug by the waist

"Wife?!?!" We all shout in shocked

"You a have a wife?!" Tsuki asks

"I thought you were some lonely dude who ran a store!" I say making him frown

"Oh my gosh babe he's so cute and adorable can we have him" she says picking me up in her arms making me blush

"Babe no I'm pretty sure he has parents" coach says

"Awww their lucky" she says pouting

"Will all due respect Mrs.Ukai we need to get back to practicing" Daichi says

"Ou can I okay I bought a pair of spanks with me" she asks smiling

"Uh sure" Daichi says smiling. She nods and begins to take her clothes off taking us all by surprise

"Babe stop!" Couch shouts

"Kenshin shut up I have on clothes underneath" she says folding her clothes setting them on the bench

"Oh okay" we all say

-time skip-
-third person-

"Woooow Mrs.Ukai! You play so good!" Hinata says with big eyes

"Thank you I played volleyball back in high school and college" y/n says smiling

"Why'd you stop?" Kageyama asks

"We had a baby keishin" y/n says making the team and everybody even kikyko gasp

"You have kids?!" Daichi asks

"Yeah we have a son and daughter" y/n says

"I didn't know you had kids?!" Takada says

"Let alone a wife" yachi says more to herself

"Keishin...you didn't tell them about your family?" Y/n asks with a raised brow

"It-it never came in conversation babe I'm sorry"keishin says walking over to her. She snatched her arms away

"Mhm and you sleeping on the couch tonight never came up in conversation" she says walking over to her folded clothes

"You guys are gonna get me in trouble" Ukai mumbles

"Sorry" the team says

-time skip-
-Kenshin's pov-

"Daddy!" The kids shout as me and y/n walk through the house

"Hey guys! How was your day?" I ask picking them both up

"We're they good?" Y/n asks the baby sitter

"Yes as always" the babysitter says laughing

"Daddy daddy! My birthday is coming up" y/d/n says smiling

"It sure is how old will you be? Four?" I ask playfully

"Nooo I'll be six" she says giggling

"Ah how could I forget I'm sorry baby girl" I say kissing her forehead before sitting her down and looking over at my son

"Hi son" I say kissing his messy curly blonde and black hair

"Da" he says sucking on his fingers

"Never stop growing okay?" I mumble on his forehead

"He had to grow up at some point keishin" y/n says taking Kj from me putting him in his high chair

"I know it just feels like yesterday when he was born" I say sitting at my seat at the dinner table

"I know they grow up so fast" she says kissing my forehead. I smile as Y/d/n comes and sit in her seat

"Y/d/n do you want to come with Daddy to work?" I ask

"No" she says picking up her fork. I could hear y/n snickering in the back

"U-Uh why?" I ask

"The store is boring" she honestly says making me laugh

"No babygirl do you want to come to my other job with me?" I ask

"When tomorrow?" She asks

"Yeah" I say

"Then yes! I want to go" she says smiling

"Okay" I say ruffling her hair

"Aht aht! I just did her hair stop!" Y/n says smacking my hand away

"I'm sorry!" I say knowing how y/n gets about her and y/d/n's hair

After a nice dinner. Y/n gives y/d/n a bath and I give a KJ a bath putting him down for bed. As I lay him down in his crib her grabs my hand before he shuts his eyes

I smile and kiss his head before making my way to y/d/n's room. I go and tuck her in kissing her goodnight and leaving with y/n behind me

"Where are you going?" Y/n asks

"To bed? Babe come on I know you weren't serious about me sleeping on the couch?!" I ask and she giggles

How is this funny?

"I was joking come on you big baby let's go to bed" she says grabbing my hand.

We both change and get into bed

"Night y/n love you" I say wrapping my arms around her

"Night keishin I love you to-"


We both look over at the door seeing y/d/n holding KJ

"KJ was whining and we want to sleep with you" she says

I smile and hold my arms out

"Come on babygirl" I say

Y/n takes Kj and I take y/d/n

"Night mommy night daddy" y/d/n

"Night babygirl" I say kissing her forehead

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