That one chick//hinata

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Another idea I had for a book that never came to be! Enjoyyy

Hinata walked into school looking for his friends. He finally fount them after 20 minutes of looking for them.

"Wassup Hinta"Suga says happily to his friend

"Hey guys did you see kageyama he left us" he says with a pout with a yawning Tanaka

"Yeah he followed Y/n somewhere around the school" Daichi says

Hinata's ears perk up at the name.


He didn't like that girl. He didn't know why she just rubbed him the wrong every way, and the whole school knew it.

Some people think it's because she was Black.

Some people think it's because who her step dad is

Some think he asked her out and she rejected him.

Others think it's because she's Tamrons cousin.

But honestly Hinata doesn't even know himself. She was just weird to him but he can't figure out why.

"Ugh yn" He says rolling his eyes

"Still don't like y/n?" Asahi asks

"No.never will" Hinata says

"Why not? She's hot" Tanaka says with a shrug

"I don't care how hot she is! I still don't like her" he says as they walk into the classroom

Soon after y/n comes in with Kageyama following right behind her looking like a lost puppy.

Kageyama walks to his friends and yn goes with the jocks.

"Where were you all morning?" Daichi asks

"With y/n"Kageyama answers back with a love struck sigh

"Ugh I serious don't see what you see in that girl"hinata says voice full off attitude

"What do you mean? What's not to see?"Kageyama asks

Don't get hinata wrong. He knew y/n was a beautiful girl. She had the looks and the body but that's all Hinata knew about her.He never seen her smile or heard her laugh. He doesn't even know what kind of person she is. So how come he didn't have a reason to not like her?He didn't know. That same question went through his head all the time. Yet he couldn't answer it

"Okay class pull out your texts book and turn to page 111"

-time skip-

It was now forth hour which meant gym for Hinata and Noya .Hinata didn't like gym on Friday because it was a free day. And on free days the cheerleaders practiced in the right corner of the gym. And y/n was a cheerleader.

"Hey y/n Have you seen jaeshun?"

"She's absent today"

"Yayyy!!!" The whole girls locker room erupted into cheers

Jaeshun was such a bitch. The classic mean girl. Head cheerleader and guys head over heels for her. Totally cliché. The other cheerleaders didn't exactly like jaeshun she was just so mean.

She made yn her co-captain and the girl loved it.Yn was such a nice girl but she wasn't a pushover. The girls loved when Jaeshun was absent. The practice was much better.

Yn laughs as the girls stop their cheering. Yn pulls her hair into a ponytail walking out the locker room and began stretching.

"Woah dude look!!"Noya taps Hinata as yn bends over touching her toes

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