I need somebody//Kageyama

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-Kageyama's pov-

Hello there
Is anyone there?
Where is
Is there anyone
To answer me?
Is anyone there?

This is me and y/n's fourth argument today. She left out the house about four hours ago and I wanted her back home but she wasn't answering my phone calls

You're disappearing, more and more, without a sound
From me, without any reason
Was everything a misunderstanding?
Were we looking at each other in a dream?

Y/n finally came back a day later and I had to ask her about it

"Y/n where where you?" I ask Not getting an answer. I follow her up the stairs to our bedroom repeating my question

I watch as she grabs a bag from the closet stuffing clothes and things into it.

"What are you doing?" I ask but she still ignores me. I grab her wrist making her snatch away from me

"Stop touching me Kageyama!" She says with tears in her eyes

"Where are you going?" I ask

"Don't worry about it just know I'm leaving" she says

"L-leaving? W-why? Where?" I ask

"I said don't worry about it" she says zipping up the bag

"Why are you trying to leave me?" I ask

"You don't respect me Kageyama! All we do is argue! I-I think it's time we break up" she says

I had been with this girl since 6 grade. We've been through hell and back and I refuse! To let her walk out my life

"Okay that's normal! Every couple argues!" I say

"Is it normal to argue from the time we wake up to the time we go to bed? No it's not!" She says

"How do I not respect you?" I ask

"I told you I didn't want you going to that party and you did! I let you hang out with your friends all the time but the one night I ask you to stay in and wait for me to come home you go out and party getting sloppy drunk! I'm Over it!" She says making me sigh

"So this is what this is about? Me going to a stupid fucking party!?" I ask

"It's so much more than a stupid fucking party! Things need to be fixed between us" she says

"Like what?! What's broken about our relationship?" I ask. She looks taken back before she lets out a sad chuckle

"If you don't know then I guess we don't need to speak about it" she grabs her bag and goes out the door. I sigh rolling my eyes sitting on the couch. She'll be back

And I was wrong about that. She hadn't been here in a week. She hadn't been answering calls or text messages. And that's when it finally sunk in.

Y/n wasn't coming back. I was here. In our being house by myself. I was alone. She left me

Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I'm all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now

I hear the door open making me jump up from the bed rushing down the stairs hoping and praying it was y/n

I get down there seeing my friends making me sigh and making me want to cry a tad bit. I was slowly losing my hope for her to come back

"Kageyama what's wrong? We haven't seen you in a while" Hinata ask.

I open my mouth to try and speak but nothing came out but a sob

"Sh-she's gone!" I say

"Who?" Daichi asks

"Y-y/n" I say before breaking down

Hello, is anyone there?
Anyone who can accept me?
Is anyone here?

I hadn't seen y/n in about a month. I knew she wasn't coming back after she blocked me on everything.

I just hope where ever she is she's happy.

"Kageyama you gotta get up man" Tanaka says

"I don't want to" I say blankly as I flip over so my back was facing him

"Y/n wouldn't want you like this" Hinata says

"Y/n doesn't care about me anymore" I mumble

"What if...I told you we know where to find her?" Noya says

"Noya stop" Tanaka says

"What man?! Look at him! He's a fucking mess!" Noya says

"You know where she is?" I ask

"Yeah I do"Noya says making Tanaka and Hinata sigh

"Take me to her please!" I beg

"Come on freshen up...your not getting in my car smelling like that" Tanaka says making me rush to the shower

Come to me, without a sound
Hold me, without a reason

I look at Noya as we pull up at house. Who lives here?

"Come on" he says as we all get out the car goin to knock on the door. Soon oikawa opens the door. I know this isn't his house? Why the fuck would she be here?

"Tobio what do I owe the surprise?" He asks smirking. I wanted to punch him in the face but I was only here for y/n

"Where's my fiancé?" I ask

"She isn't your fiancé anymore and she's Sleep come back later" he says about to close the door but I put my foot in the way

"Where is y/n?" I ask again

"I told you she's sleep..come back later!" He says. I push him out the way walking into the house.

"Y/n! Y/n" I call out to her

"What are you doing here Kageyama" y/n says coming downstairs

"Y/n baby please come home" I say

"No Kageyama I refuse to live and be with a man who doesn't respect me or my wishes" she says rolling her eyes

"And you think oikawa will respect you and your wishes?" I ask

"Me and oikawa aren't together and if we were it's none of your business" she says

"It is! We're supposed to be together! You and me! I need you!"

"You didn't need me when you left me alone" she says walking away

"Y/n come back! Y/n don't leave me alone!" I shout for her

Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I'm all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now

As I am keeping my silence
I've let everyone go
A siren rings in my head
I really don't think this is right

I had left y/n alone. It had been a month. I missed her desperately. I needed her. I don't like being here in our house alone

It's not the same without her

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