Ex-Factor// iwaizumi

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-Iwaizumi's pov-

I groan as watch that bald idiot wrap his arms around my girls waist. All she did was laugh and I was not liking it.

"You seem jealous iwa-chan" oikawa says making me roll my eyes

"Shut up dummy-kawa" I mumble

"He seems very fond of her" oikawa says smiling

"Who wouldn't be" kunimi says walking pass

"What was that!" I shout

"You can't really be mad Iwa-chan it's your fault she's gone"oikawa says

"No it's not" I mumble

"What ever" He says walking away.

y/n was my long term girlfriend...well now ex girlfriend. we got into an fight and we decided to break up. I didnt expect her to move on so quickly. We've been together since middle school!


We were on our every weekend date. I liked taking y/n out every week end. During the week we both were busy.

"When's your next game?" She asks

"next week are you coming?"  I ask

"of course I have to come cheer my baby on" she says kissing my cheek making me blush

"Babe stop" I mumble as a waitress comes over

He takes my order first he didnt seem to interested but when it was y/n's turn to order I guess she peaked his interest cause he started to flirt with her.

Of course she ignored it but I didnt like other males flirting with my girl. Once he left I scoffed

" I want a new waiter" I say

"dont be like that" She says slapping my hand. Just to please her I let it go.

When he came back he came back and flirted with her some more complementing her on her smile and outfit and she said thank you

"really y/n?" I ask

"What? He complemented me Im not about to be rude!" she says

'Strike 1' I think in my head

He came back once again and accidentally spilled water on me. I get pissed throwing money on the table and rushing out with y/n behind me

"Iwa! Iwa! stop!" She says grabbing me

"What Y/n? What the fuck do you want?" I ask

"Who you talking to? Dont get fucked up in front of all these people!" she shouts back at me. I sigh and take her hand

"Im sorry" I say

"what is wrong with you" she ask

"He was flirting with you and spilled water on me...I dont want nobody flirting with you" I say

"I'm your girlfriend I dont see why you care what he's trying to do" she says rolling her eyes

"I know Im sorry can we go back to my house now?" I ask

"Yeah lets go" she says grabbing my hand

-Time skip-

We were at at a game and y/n came. She was so cool with couch he allowed her to sit on the bench with him. Before the game had started Oikawa asked y/n to go fill his bottle and she did but she took to long.

I go look for her and saw some guy trying to get her number

"strike two" I think in my head

"No Im good" she says

"Why?" he ask

"Cause she has a boyfriend" I say grabbing her and walking away with her

"Ow iwa stop your hurting me!" She says

"Ya know what y/n how about yo go home" I say

"Maybe I will you fucking ass! Just know its just so much I can take before I'm fucking threw with your ass!" She says throwing the bottle at me and walking off.

I sigh and go back inside the gym

-time skip-

After not talking to y/n for about a month I decided to take her on a date to say sorry. This time we were at the movies. I stood outside the bathroom waiting for her. she was taking longer than usual. then I remembered what happened at the gym

"Leave me alone"

"strike three"

I look to my left seeing some guy with his arms wrapped around Y/n as she tried to get away. I sigh and walk over to them punching the guy in the face.

"The fuck is that for?!" He shouts

"For putting your hands on my girl" I Say grabbing y/n and walking to the exit

"Iwa what about our movie?" She asks

"Fuck the movie and fuck You!" I shout she sighs and roll my eyes

"So this is my fault" she asks

"Yes it is! I told you to change before we left. Your clothes are to tight!" I yell

"Ya know what Iwa. Im really done with your punk ass. Your so insecure and angry you take it out on me. Im done with your sorry ass! I'm the baddest bitch and you clearly cant handle a bad bitch so you dont need to be with a bad bitch!... Lose my number I dont wanna see your face" She says walking out

-Flashback over-

Okay maybe it was my fault. I get up and walk over to the side of the gym she was on

"Y/n" I say but she ignores me

"Y/n" I say again

"What Iwiazumi?" She ask

"can we talk?" I ask. She rolls her eyes telling baldy that she'd be back

we walk out the gym and I just stare at her. I havent even been in her presence in two months

"You gon talk or just gawk at me all day?" she asks

'I'm sorry... I was insecure. I'm afraid another guy who's better than me will come in a swoop you up and take you away from me I dont want to lose you" I say grabbing her hands

Her next words are what hurt me the most

"I told you...It's only so much I can take before I'm threw with you" She says walking away

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