Convenient store girl// Kageyama

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-Kageyama's pov-

It was after practice and we decided to stop by coaches store and get something to snack on.

"If your here with us...who's running your store?" Hinata asks Coach

"Familyo " coach says as we walk into the store

"Y/n! Got damn it what did I tell you about painting in the store!?" Coach shouts at a girl at the counter

"You said if I want to paint do it in the back" she nonchalantly says

"So why are you at the counter?!" He asks

"Because I wanna be" the girl says looking our way

"Little girl!!" He shouts

"Is this your little volleyball team gramps was telling me about?" She says taking her apron off walking from behind the counter

"Little?" Tuskki asks

"You heard me. Little volleyball team" she says

"Uh okay I'm Daichi and I'm captain of this team" Daichi says introducing himself

"Y/n Ukai" she says

"She's my bratty ass little sister" coach says

"I didn't know you had a sister?" Hinata says

"Nobody does he doesn't talk about me much maybe he's embarrassed of me cause I'm you know *whispers*black" she says smirking

"Got damn it y/n didn't I tell you stop doing that?!" He shouts making her laugh. She was the only person laughing nobody else fount it funny

She finally stopped laughing and looks at me

"You've been starting at me since you walked through the there a problem?" She ask

"I uh no not at all" I say

" you kids get whatever you and get home we have a practice match tomorrow" coach says


As time past I fount myself getting closer to y/n. Her fun childish bluntly personal drew me to her.

She'd come help with practice and she'd come to our games. When ever she was around my stomach did backflips and my heartbeat speed up times ten.

I didn't mind though cause it was her making me feel this way.

We were now up against date tech but I wanted to get water before we went on the court. As I was walking away from the water fountain I was pulled into the supply closet

"What the hell-y/n?" I question as she turns the light on

"In flesh baby" she says smirking

"Don't call me that" I mumble blushing

"Whatever" she says rolling her eyes

"What is it? I have to be on the court soon" I say

"This" she says then she pulls me into a kiss. I awkwardly put my arms around her waist. After a minute...or five we pull away

"Go win I have to go watch the store" she says pecking my lips before running out. I touch my lips and smirk.

That was all the motivation I needed to wipe the floor with date tech

-time skip-

We were now playing St joe. Y/n wasn't here like she promised.

"Hey Uh coach where's y/n?" I ask

"She had to watch the store" he says

"Oh okay" I mumble before walking onto the court. This was the last set hopefully we can take it back.

It was getting tuff we were neck and neck just then the doors open and I see the familiar bush of curls


Out the corner of my eye I see y/n. I smirk and set the ball...we score. My teammates jump and shout but I push past them trying to get to y/n

She meets me half way jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist

"You you promised" I say

"Of course I never break my promise" she says before kissing me

"Be my girlfriend?" I blurt

"Of course king" she says smirking which makes me laugh

"Don't call me that" I say

Who would have thought I'd fall for the girl at the convenient store?

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