Imma get you high today//Suna

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Suna had invited his girlfriend, y/n over.  She didn't know what for but she wanted to see her boyfriend so she pulled up anyway.

When she got their she used her key and opened the door. She was met with a Smokey cloudy house thinking it was on fire

"Suna! Baby you okay?" She asks walking through the house. She hears a cough making her run to that direction

"Where's the fire?" She asks running into the living room

"There is no fire" suna says chuckling

"So why is all this smoke here- your smoking again aren't you?" She asks rolling her eyes

"Ah you know me so well" suna says giggling patting the spot next to him on the couch

"Why am I here?" She asks

"I can't see my girlfriend?" Suna asks

"I mean yeah but usually you want something" y/n say shrugging

"Well your here to get high" suna says

"Suna no" y/n says rolling her eyes

"Why not?" He asks coughing

"We're both athletes! You smoke like everyday when you shouldn't! And we have to take a drug test Thursday!" Y/n says

"Ask Jenna to use her pee. Atsumu let's me use his" suna says shrugging

"No! I'm not smoking" y/n says

"You should...your so uptight and don't know how to have fun. You don't smoke your dont drink you won't even eat a weed brownie" suna says rolling up another blunt

"Sorry I'm not like everybody else. I never had the urge to smoke or drink to fit in with everybody else" y/n says rolling her eyes

"This is what people be talking about" he mumbles

"What the fuck are people taking about?" She asks sitting up

"That your wack and don't know how to have fun. And I'm starting to agree with them" suna mumbles

"I just don't like it okay?" Y/n says

"You've never tried either of these do you know you don't like weed or a cup of Hennessy?"suna asks

"Isn't Hennessy like hard liquor?" Y/n asks

"Doesn't matter I was giving you an example. I'm just saying how do you not like it if you've never had it?" Suna says

He was right🙄. How did she know she didn't like these things if she never did them?

"Listen baby...I know you don't smoke but Imma get you high today" suna says kissing her lips

"Suna I don't know" y/n says

"It's okay Imma teach you how to smoke okay?" Suna says rubbing her thigh

"What if I don't like it?" Y/n asks

"Then you won't have to do it ever again" suna says. Y/n sighs and nod

"Okay I'll try it" Y/n say

"Great. Watch me" Suna says as he lights the blunt. He puts it to his lips doing his thing. Suna looks yn's way and blows the smoke out his mouth

"Look cool dont it?" Suna asks smirking making yn laugh

"I guess" Y/n says

"Come here sit on my lap" suna orders. She does as told taking the blunt from suna as he hands it to her

"So inhale,swallow the smoke, and blow out...simple" suna says. Y/n nods doing as he instructed. As She blows the smoke out her mouth She starts coughing

Suna chuckles and pats her back

"Y-you said it was simple!" Y/n says

"It is! Give it a few more try's" suna says rubbing her back. She nods and try's again. After a few coughs Yn was smoking correctly

"You like it?" Suna asks

"I don't throat feels weird...and so does my mouth" y/n says

"That means your smoking right and you have cotton mouth" Suna says handing y/n a water bottle

After an hour the two had smoked at least three times and it was safe to say y/n was high and Suna was high off his eyes.

"Turn around so I can roll the last blunt on yo ass" suna says. It was a moment of silence before they both buss out laughing

"Yo Sunaaa- what the fuck is this?" Ojiro asks walking in the room seeing Suna rolling a blunt on y/n's ass

"Suna said he could roll the blunt easier this way" Y/n says as her and suna laughs

"Y/n your ass is out...I see your cheeks bro" Ojiro says only making the couple laugh

"Suna..dont tell me you got her high? Y/n you high?" He asks making y/n laugh

"I been high for a good two hours. Why I didnt try smoking sooner?" She asks out loud

Suna laughs accidentally licking y/n instead of the blunt

"Ah bae you lick my ass!" Y/n shouts

"Shit my bad" Suna says as they both laugh it off

"Yall some freaks...I'm leaving" Ojiro says walking back out the house

"is he coming?" Atsumu asks

"No he got y/n high" Ojiro says making Atsumu laugh

"Wonder how that happened" He says

"I dont know and I dont want to know. Can we just go they on some freak shit in there" He says shaking his head


This happened in my dream...except it wasnt suna it was somebody else crazy I know.

Dreams can be so weird at times

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