We love you// Kags+Hina

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You were the only girl on the volleyball team. You had a love for volleyball. You went to the girls team but they weren't taking anymore players.

Same with the boys team but your rich dad bribed them into letting you join. You wanted to get close to two specific people. Your dad donated to the school and team often so they had no choice but to let you join

"Kikyooooo" you whine

"Yes y/n?" She asks

"Can you order me a new uniform in a size up?" You asks

"Of course is yours to tight?" She asks pushing up her glasses

"Yeah a little bit" you say

"Okay I'll get on it" she tells you walking away

You go change into your uniform and walk to the boys club room. You knock on the door before entering

"Come in" a muffled voice

You walk in smiling

"Hi guys" you say smiling

"Hi Y/n!" Hinata and Kageyama shouts

"Sooo ya nervous?" Tanaka asks leaning on your shoulder

Today was your game against Aoba josahi . You weren't nervous at all

"No" you say

"Yo-your not?" Hinata asks. He remembers his first practice game. He was nervous And he's a little nervous now. He'd be on the same court as the great king

Kageyama watches as you shift in your uniform uncomfortably

"Hey you okay?" He asks

"Uh yeah my uniform is just a little tight" you say pulling at your Jersey

"I think you look great" Tanaka says smirking

"Your such a perv" sugawara sighs

Hinata and Kageyama couldn't lie. You did look good. Plush Thighs dang near busting out of your shorts

"Let's go!" Coach Ukai shouts as you guys go to load the bus

-time skip-

"Yo who's that girl with braids over there?" Kindaichi asks

"Idk maybe another manger?" Kunimi asks

"Nah she has on a jersey...I think she's on their team?" Iwaizumi says and oikawa waisted no time to try and flirt

He watched as you put your long braids into a neat bun.

"Hello I'm oikawa what's your name?" He asks smiling

"Hi oikawa I'm the other setter for kurasano y/n and I'm going to whip the floor with you and your team" she says with a closed eye smile shocking oikawa

She leans over to get a look at his team. She gives them a smile and wave before walking off to her team

"What did oikawa want?" Kageyama asks

"To introduce himself"y/n says shrugging

-time skip-

"Who's those for?" Kageyama asks Hinata who was holding flowers

"Y/n...who's that for?" Hinata asks Kageyama who was holding a bag of food

"Y/n" he responds

It was silent for a minute

"So you like her to?" Kageyama asks

"Seems like" Hinata says

"Well back off because I'm gonna ask her to be my girlfriend" Kageyama says

"As if she'd say yes to an asshole like you!" Hinata says starting an argument right off the bat

"Hey guys why are you arguing?" You asks as you and Suga walk into the gym

"Y/n! Please be my girlfriend!" Both boys shout Taking y/n by surprise

"Uh oh" Daichi mumbles

"She doesn't want to be your girlfriend Hinata!" Kageyama shouts

"And what makes you think she wants to be your girlfriend?" Hinata asks

"Cause who wants to be with a shorty like you? She'd obviously go for a much taller dude who's better at volleyball!" Kageyama shouts

It was to much for y/n so she just quickly slipped out the gym

"Whatever y/n pick me- where'd she go?" Hinata says turning around finding the spot y/n was standing in empty

"Great Hinata you dumbass you scared her!" Kageyama shouts

"Me? It was probably you!"

"Enough!" Daichi screams

"Suga please got get y/n and you two...let's talk" Daichi says making the two boys gulp

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