Big baby//Lev

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Short reader cause author is short😐🙃 4'11 how tall are y'all?

-Kuroo's pov-

"Has anybody seen y/n?" Lev asks making me and yaku groan

"She's probably hiding from him" I mumble

"I swear it's like he's attached to her" yaku says

Y/n was our manger and lev's girlfriend who he just loved dearly. The dude was a certified simp.

"He's head over heels for her and I don't understand" kenma says

"I would be to y/n is every guys dream girl" Inuoka says

"I wonder how lev snatched her up" shibayama says

"Yamamoto give me my girlfriend!!!" I can hear lev whine across the court

We were in Tokyo for summer camp and of course Yamamoto wanted to brag to buzz cut about how we finally got a hot manger

I watch as lev wraps y/n's legs around his waist walking outside with her seeing it was time to eat

"Tch what a big baby" Yamamoto says rolling his eyes

"I wonder how she deals" teshiro says with a sigh making us all shrug

-lev's pov-

"Babe you have to eat" I whine

"Lev...I've had enough I already can't fit in my jeans because you keep feeding me" y/n says rolling her eyes

"I will gladly keep feeding you if it makes you happy" I say holding the kabob to her mouth. She looks at me before taking it in her mouth making me smile

"Your so cute" I say

"Thank you can you get me some juice?" She ask. I nod and go get her a cup of lemonade But stop once I hear y/n's name being spoken

"How come y/n's not here with us?"

"Because she wants to eat with her man" was followed by giggles. I smile and walk away but stop
Once again because I heard my name

"That lev dude is always up under that one chick"

"That's his girlfriend I would be to she's pretty hot"

"Yeah she is but doesn't she ever get tired of him babying her or him being up under her?"

"I know it would annoy me seeing she's so little he's like 6'3"

"He doesn't have any business being with a chick like her"

I hang my head low and slowly walk back over to y/n

"Here" I say handing her the cup

"Bae look while you were practicing I got your favorite!!" Y/n says smiling pulling a carton out of her bag

"Inari sushi?!?" I shout

"You know it" she says smiling. I take it kissing her cheek but stop when I felt eyes on me. I look over seeing those same guys giving me a nasty look

I sigh and sit down

"What's wrong baby?" Y/n asks eating her fruit

" I annoy you?" I ask

"What do you mean?" She asks

" you hate me babying you? Do you not like me being underneath you all the time?" I ask

"Of course not who said that?" She asks sitting her bowl down. I don't say anything I just look up at those guys

"Oh I see...people have been saying things about us since we got here" she says

"Saying things Like what?" I ask

"Ya know the usual...why am I with a guy so tall when I'm so short? Do I not get annoyed with him being underneath me all the time" she says

" you?" I ask

"Of course not. I would have still said yes to being your girlfriend rather you were tall or not. I like that you baby me yes it gets annoying sometimes but that's just you. I love you being underneath me touching is your love language and I have no problem with that" y/n says smiling

"Really?" I ask

"Really don't listen to what other people say because your my boyfriend and I'm your girlfriend their opinions about our relationship don't matter" she says coming to stand between my legs

"Besides...they're just mad they don't have a cute fun size girlfriend like me to cuddle with" she says Giggling

"I love you" I say taking her by surprise

We've been together for about six months now. I dropped the L-bomb for the first and I meant it. She leans in and peck my lips

"I love you to!" She says giggling

"Get a room you two!" Kuroo shouts

"Y/n come play animal crossing" kenma says

"Your not even done eating! Give me this!" Kuroo says taking kenma's game so he could eat

I laugh and lay my head on y/n's breast.

"My big baby" y/n says kissing my forehead

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