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23 year old pro volleyball player Tsuki

-Tsukishima's pov-

I sigh as I walk into the house. I drop my bag off at the door and take off my shoes. I hear a bark making me turn around seeing y/n's zoo.

My girlfriend had a dog, a bird, a rabbit, and a ferret. I don't know how the dog Hasn't eaten the other animals.

I sigh and pat their heads before walking to the kitchen where y/n was cooking.

"Hey baby" I say kissing her cheek

"Baby?" She asks with a goofy grin

"Yes was your day" I ask sitting down at the island in the kitchen

"It was good me and the girls went out. What about practice" she asks

"It went well...I have a game coming up where I'll be playing against Daichi" I say sighing

It felt weird to be on the opposite side of the court with somebody who was my captain once upon a time

"Don't let that stop you from crushing his ass you hear me?" Y/n says pointing at me

"Yes mom" I say rolling my eyes

"Sunshine! Yotan! Kirby! Pucker!Come eat" y/n says calling her zoo

Just then the animals came running, hopping, and flying into the kitchen.

"I can't believe you named your bird pucker" I say rolling my eyes

"He likes his name isn't that right puck?" Y/n says as the bird flys on her shoulder. The bird bops up and down making me chuckle

"Yeah okay" I say

"Babe can we get a cat?" Y/n asks

"No" I say quickly

"Why not?" She asks

"Y/ have a zoo" I say rolling my eyes

"So!?" She asks putting a bowl of ramen in front of me

"No! We aren't getting a cat" I say picking up my chop sticks

"Mph! Your so mean" she says collecting her zoo and leaving the kitchen. I roll my eyes and finishing eating. I wash my bowl out and go to our bedroom

"Babe" I say as I walk into the room. She was sitting in the middle of our bed watching blue exorcist with yotan(the ferret) curled up on her head

Pucker(the bird) resting on her shoulder, sunshine(the dog) in her lap, and kirby(the rabbit) nestled in her Breast

"You look crazy" I chuckle

"What can't we have a cat?" She asks in pout Making me roll my eyes. I will not give in

" you see yourself right now? You have four animals on you right now" I say

"So?" She says

"We aren't getting a fucking cat that's that" I say.

"Who the fuck are you talking to?! I'm not one of yo little friends you ain't gon sit up here and talk to me like that! You clearly don lost yo mind" she says picking up sunshine and rushing out the room

I sigh and get under the covers. She'll get over it

-next morning-

I walk into the kitchen with a yawn seeing y/n reading a magazine with yotan curled up on her bonnet head.

"Morning" I say going to kiss her but she puts her hand up stopping me. I knew exactly what this was about

"This is about that damn cat isn't it?" I ask but I'm ignored

"Well I'm late for Practice see you later" I say sighing and leaving out the door

-Y/n's pov-

"Girl that man gon kill you" My friend says giggling as I put my new kitten down

"That man can kiss my ass I'm grown as fuck I do what I want" I say rolling my eyes as the brown cat now named cinnamon played around with sunshine

" I got to go I'll see you girl" My friend says hugging me then leaving

I sigh and smile at my new kitten. Tsuki wouldnt be that mad

I get up and start dinner after putting cinnamons scratching post together in the room I have for my babies.

-Tsuki's pov-

"Y/n I'm home" I shout sitting down to take my shoes off. As I reach for my left foot I feel something brush up against my leg. I look down seeing a small brown kitten. I sigh looking at the blue collar around its neck


she named it already. I pick it up by the collar making sure I wasnt choking it.

"Y/N!" I shout

"Hey bab-oh shit" She says when she sees the cat dangling in the air

"Oh shit is right! I told you no more pets!" I say angrily

"Babe you might be hurting him" she says taking the cat from me who meowed

"Get rid it of it" I say sitting on the couch

"Kiss my ass" she says petting its head

"Take it back or I'll call somebody to come get it" I say

"Kiss my black ass! He's staying I promise you that" Y/n says walking away

And Y/n kept her promise. Over the weeks walked around the house like it owned the place. It even took my spot in the bed.

"Y/n move your cat" I say

y/n reaches over grabbing the cat letting it lay on her breast

"B-but thats my spot" I say but y/n shrugs

I smack my lips getting under the covers.

The next morning Y/n left to go some where with her friends and her damn cat kept trying to play with me. u sally when shes gone she locks up Yotan, kirby, and pucker up but today she didnt because she wanted to irritate me.

And it was working.

I got tired and decided to take a nap and just as I was drifting off to sleep that damn cat hopped on my chest and fell asleep on me. I sigh and just go to sleep

-Y/n's pov-

I open the door to be greeted by all my babies except cinnamon. I hug them and walk to the living room where cinnamon was asleep on tsuki. I coo and take my phone out for a picture.

I take it forgetting the flash was on

"You better not post that" He says getting up walking away cradling cinnamon

Oh so he likes my cat now?

-next week-

To say Tuski was attached to cinnamon would be an understatement. I couldnt even hold the cat. I had just got done making breakfast and was sipping on my coffee when Tsuki walked in with cinnamon on his head

"Can I hold my cat?" I ask. Tsuki slowly turns to me and looks me up and down before grabbing his plate

"No...respectfully" He says walking into the livingroom

I watch as he reaches up and gives cinnamon a piece of bacon who gladly ate it

"Bitch gimme my cat!" I say

"Our cat" he says giving him a piece of pancake

"just last week you didnt want him" I say

"That was last week this is a whole new can you move?" He asks

"dont get fucked up" I say walking to the kitchen

"Attached ass bitch" I mumble

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