Kissing on my Tattoos//Tanaka🌸

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Y'all like Tanaka with Tattoos so here you go!

-Tanaka's pov-

I sigh as I feel the hot water hit my skin. After a long day of work. I had three private training sessions. And I worked out for an hour.

When I had got home yn was asleep. I guess she fell asleep waiting for me. I pause as I hear the bathroom door open

"Baeeee!" Yn says in groggy tone making me sigh

"Yes baby" I say peaking my head out seeing her sitting on the toilet

"Can I shower with you?" She asks making smile

"You know you don't have to ask" I say. She smiles striping out of her clothes and getting in

"How was your day?" She asks

"Tiring...what about you?" She asks hugging me from behind

"Same I got rid of one of my clients" I say sighing

"Why?" She asks

"He got rowdy and cussed me out so I cussed him out to so I won't be seeing him again" I say

"It's okay baby don't let it get you upset. Your still the best Personal trainer in Tokyo with or without him" she says kissing my shoulder. I smile turning around

"You always know the right things to say" I say kissing her lips

She runs her hands over my soapy arms slightly massaging my muscles

"Why made you get tatted up?" She asks

"I wanted my wife to kiss on them" I say smirking making her giggle

"Bae I'm serious" she says

"I don't know thought it would look cool Ya know" I say shrugging

"What are you gonna do when your old? Tattoo removal isn't cheep and it takes like 3 to five seasons to fully remove them?" She says

"I'm not gonna get old my body will stay ripped" I say flexing my arms

"Boy please wash my back so we can get out" she says chuckling. I take the towel and wash her up back as she requested

After we were both clean we exit the shower and go to our room.

"You okay you seem tense" yn says

"Yeah my muscles are a little stiff is all" I say rolling my neck

"Well come lay down and let me work my magic" she says smirking. Yn was a professional massage therapist.

She had her own build and she sometimes went to peoples house but due to COVID she only made building appointments

"You don't have to baby" I say putting my shorts on

"I want to come lay down" she says patting the bed. I sigh and do so. I wait as she gets her oils and things. After she got her oils and stuff I felt her straddle my back

"Where is it stiff at Baby" she asks

"Mostly my arms neck and back" I say

"Okay just relax" she says. I look up seeing she had even lit candles

"Look at you" I say making her laugh

"I had come to realization that I've never given you a massage" she says rubbing the oils on my arms

"You haven't? you haven't" I say

" I know now relax you feel kind of tense" she says digging her fingers into my arms making me groan

"Was that to hard?" She asks

"N-no it felt good" I say

"When did you get this Tattoo?" She asks

"Which one?"I ask

"This lotus flower" she asks

"Oh I got it about a year ago. I was drunk with Noya. My tattoo artist told me it meant becoming a better person and that's what I want to be" I say

"A better person?" Yn asks

"Yeah...a better person for you" I say

"Baby you don't need to be a better person your already the perfect husband and I wouldnt ask you to change anything about you" she says

"Thank you baby I love you" I say turning around so she was now straddling my waist

"I love you but could you turn around so I can finish" she asks with a smile

"Finish tomorrow I want to sleep with you in my arms" I say grabbing her

"I guess" she says smiling

I kiss her forehead rubbing her arm with thumb

"What made you get a Koi fish?" She says rubbing it with her pointer finger

"A Koi fish sometimes represents the struggles one has overcome or is overcoming in their own life. You know me and family didn't have the most money or the best life but with me being the best personal trainer in Japan I am able to give them the life they always wanted" I say smiling down at her

"Your a wonderful man Tanaka I promise" she says kissing the tattoo

"And your a wonderful woman...night baby"I say kissing her lips

"Goodnight Tanaka"she says leaning over to turn off the lamp

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