Butterfly graden//Kageyama

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-Hinata's pov-

I watch as Kageyama walks around our dorm room in a panic.

"I don't understand why is he panicking?" Daichi asks

"He has a date with the head cheerleader and he's frantic" I say looking down at my phone

"Okay...why?" He asks

"You don't understand! She's like...really hot and so nice and funny...did I say hot?" He says taking the phone from me

"Yes...you did" I say

"Okay so why are you nervous?" Daichi asks

"Cause what if I...fall on my face or something" Kageyama says making me roll my eyes

"What if she doesn't like the way I dress?" He asks

I look over at his black joggers Nike pull over and black Nike huaraches

"You look good to me" I say shrugging

"Okay but I don't care what you think" he says making me frown

"Stop being an asshole sometimes. Change your attitude she might not even like you if your acting like that" I say

"What do you know you dumbass!" Kageyama shouts

"Okay okay Stop fighting! Kageyama just be yourself. You said she nice so there's nothing to be nervous about" Daichi says from the phone

"I guess your right" Kageyama mumbles

Just then a knock was made on our door

"Who is it?" I ask

"Y/n" she says making Kageyama panic again

"I might throw up" he says gagging. I roll my eyes opening the door

"Hey y/n how are you?" I ask

"I'm good is Kageyama here?" She asks smiling

-Kageyama's pov-

"Yeah he's in the back you can go back there" he says

I panic as I hear footsteps coming to my room. I hear a knock making me panic even more

"C-come in" I say

Great you stuttering freak!

I watch as y/n peaks her head in with a smile

"Hey Kageyama" she says smiling at me

"H-hi" I say waving stiffly

Just then I look down at her outfit that had me feeling a little bit better of my choice of clothing

Just then I look down at her outfit that had me feeling a little bit better of my choice of clothing

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"You look nice" I say

"Thank you" she says smiling

"W-we should get going I don't wanna be late" I say

"Okay!" She says grabbing my hand dragging me out my room

"Have fun...not to much fun" Hinata says

"Shut.up" I say Grabbing my keys

"So where are you taking me?" Y/n asks

"Butterfly garden" I say making her light up like a Christmas tree

"Yayy" she says making me smile.


I watch as Yn's eyes light up as we get into the butterfly garden

"Kageyama there has to be at least a million butterflies in here!" She says smiling

"Maybe" I say smiling at her. I watch as she chases a blue butterfly. I look over at a flower seeing a orange butterfly.

"Thats a monarch butterfly its dangerous in the insect word" Yn says next to me making me jump

"You know your butterflies?" I Ask

"Yeah my older sister worked at a butterfly garden before she passed away and would tell me about the different kinds of butterflies" She says smiling

Kageyama you Idoit! You probably made her sad

"Uh Im sorry" I say

"Its okay no need to be sorry" She has holding her hand out as a blue butterfly lands on her hand

"what kind of butterfly is that?" I ask

"A Blue Morpho its the biggest butterfly in the world" She says smiling making me smile

"Pretty" I say

"Yeah it is" She says letting it fly away

"No I was talking about you" I say. she giggles and looks away

just then a yellow,black,blue butterfly lands on my hand

"Whats this one called?" I ask

"A Eastern tiger swallowtail" She says. I Slowly walk over to a flower letting it fly from my hand to the flower

"Come on lets go" Yn says grabbing my hand pulling me as she runs. We catch up with the group we were in. I look around at the different colors of flowers. I hear a bunch of gasps but for some reason I ignore it

"Kageyama Look!" I hear y/n shout

I Turn around gasping myself. Y/n had manged to get a bunch of butterflies in her head. I smile pulling my phone out

"Smile" I say. She looks in my direction giving the camera a closed eye smile. y/n frowns as a the butterflies fly away

"I guess the flash scared them away I'm sorry" I say

"No need to say sorry" She says smiling making me blush. This is the perfect time to ask her

"Hey uh yn"

"Yes?" She asks looking at a flower

"I was just wondering-"I start but she cuts me off by running after a butterfly dragging me with her

"Yn we need to talk" I say

"We'll talk after I see this butterfly" She says creeping up on it. she takes a picture of it with a smile

"Out of all the butterflies we've seen today why is this one important?" I ask looking at the tiny blue butterfly

"This is a palos verdes blue butterfly. Its one out of 10 rarest butterflies in the word and its only 200 in the whole word. My sister wanted to see one so bad and now I get to see one for her" She says turning to me with a smile

I smile at looking down at her lips

"Can...I Kiss you?" I ask

"Yes" She says and with that being said we both lean in kissing each other. After a few minutes we pull away

"Is that what you wanted to ask me?" She asks with a smirk making me blush

"Uh no I-I-I wanted to ask you to be my g-g-g-girl-girl"

"girlfriend?" She asks smiling

"Uh yeah that" I say laughing nervously

"I'd love to be your girlfriend" She says giggling

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah really now lets go eat Im hungry" She says

This day went a lot better than I expected

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