Marry jane//Yasushi

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-Yasushi pov-

"I'm not doing this again" I say

"Yeahhh that's what you said the first time you bought weed from me" the pretty melanin girl says smirk at me

"Whatever" I say grabbing my weed and handing y/n the money

"How you get into this profession anyway?" I ask

"I'm broke. I need money to eat and money to pay rent" y/n says shrugging

"Maybe get a regular job?" I ask

"A job that pays me 5 dollars an hour? How's that gonna pay my bills? Why not stop smoking weed vollyball player?" Y/n asks

"Girl mind yo business" I say rolling my eyes

"Who you talking to? Don't get slapped Yasushi" y/n says smirking. I push the side of her head and hurry getting out her car

"See you at school tomorrow?" I asks

"Maybe who knows" she says shrugging then pulling off

It was no secret that I liked my weed man. I mean who wouldn't? She was a melanin beauty who didn't take shit from nobody. I kind of felt bad cause she was all alone with nobody to take care of her or help her.

So I guess that's why she turned to selling weed. Everybody in the prefecture knew she sold weed and always went to her. Her shit was that good

She sold weed to different students at different schools. She didn't drop offs to we as her custo's NEVER went to her. It amazed me how she's never caught at school cause she slangs right in the teachers faces! Maybe she selling to them to.

I walk into me sasaya's and Kaname's house. Me and his moved into an apartment together last year cause honestly we were tired of our parents. I couldn't smoke in my parents house and their parents were tired of thembringing girls in.

It was one those "you can't do whatever you want under my roof. You do what I tell you to or get out" type of things and we decided to get out. It was fun living with my bestfriends

"Who was that?" Kaname asks

"Y/n" I say sitting on the couch pulling out a pack of backwoods

"The girl who sells weed around the prefecture?" Sasaya's asks making me nod her head

"That's your weed man?!" They both asks and I nod my head

"How's that happen?" Sasaya asks

"I walked up to her because somebody told me she sell weed I asked and she gave me some free weed" I say shrugging

"Ohhh so you get free weed?" Kaname asks smirking

"Not anymore she only gave it to me free so I could get a taste of the weed she's fye" I say making them laugh

"Yo I see her around school all the time she's so hot!" Sasaya says

"I know I like her" I admit lighting my freshly rolled blunt

"Does she know?" Sasaya asks

"I don't know" I say shrugging blowing smoke out my mouth

"Maybe you should tell her" kaname says. I shake my head no

"Nah" I say

-y/n's pov-

"Pleasure doing business with ya" I say smiling walking away to get to my class that I am not late for by 10 minutes. I count my money as I walk to make sure he ain't short me. As I was almost to class I feel somebody grab me and pull me into the supply closet.

I look up seeing yasushi

"Hello Mary Jane" he says smirking making me roll my eyes

"I don't have anymore weed on me I just sold my last bag you have to wait till later" I say grabbing the door nob

"Wait no!" He says

"Yes Yasushi?" I ask

"I-I uh...your really uh...beau-beautiful and I really like and I wa-was wondering if I could uh maybe take you out some time?" He asks blushing. I smirk and lightly slap his cheek

"Bout time you asked me ya homeboy told me that you liked me I just wanted to hear it out your own mouth" I say snickering

"Is-is that a yes?" He asks nervously

"Of course. I'll pick you at 7 and we'll go from their" I say kissing his cheek and leaving out


Yeah uh I don't know

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