My brothers friend//Tsukishima

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Slightly yandere Tsukishima

-Tsukishima's pov-

I had been in love with my brothers bestfriend since I was 5. She was always around and she always treated me with the most respect.

She was beautiful. Her smile was beautiful. How could I not fall in love with something so beautiful and precious? She was a queen. A piece of art.

I loved her.I wanted her. I needed her. I craved her

I didn't care that she was 21. I'd be 18 soon so that shouldn't be a problem. She'd be coming home with akiteru and she'd be staying in my room.I'm so happy she trusts me so much!

"Kei! Y/n and your brother are here!" Mom shouts

I quickly check myself in the mirror making sure I was presentable for my love. I rush down stairs smiling crushing y/n in a hug

"Y/n!" I say smelling her. Shea butter. My favorite.

"Hey kei how are you? How's volleyball?" She asks

"I'm good volleyballs great... I'm upset with you" I say turning away from her

"Oh no what did I do?" She asks

"You left me here to go to college" I mumble

"But I'm here now and I'll be graduating soon and we'd be able to hang out like we use to" she says Making me smile

I remember the dates we use to go on. We'd go out to eat or for ice cream. We've been dating for so long now we should make it official!

"I-I'd like that" I say smiling

"Woah little bro I'm here to!" Akiteru says ruffling my hair. I sigh rolling my eyes pushing his hand away

"Oh Akiteru your here" I say sighing making him sweat drop. Y/n released that beautiful giggle making me smile once again

"Come on guys it's time for dinner!" Mom shouts

"Y/n let me talk to you" akiteru says

I walk into the living room peeking in the next room

"So are we going to telling them we're together now?" Akiteru says wrapping his arms around y/n's waist. Y/n smiles kissing his lips making me gasp

"I wanted to tell them last year but you said you weren't ready" y/n says wrapping her arms around his neck

"Well I'm ready to tell them. They love and I love you to. We're practically family" he says smiling kissing her lips

I feel my body heating up. I got to get rid of him. If my brother had any loyalty or respect for me he wouldn't have brainwashed my woman

I sigh and go into the kitchen

-y/n pov-

I sigh walking into Kei's room. Dinner didn't go as plan. Akiteru chickened out and didn't tell everyone we were together.I don't know why he doesn't want to tell them.

"You Okay y/n?" Kei asks

"Uh yeah I'm a little disappointed but I'll be fine" I say smiling lightly

"About Akiteru not telling mom about your relationship?" Kei asks making me gasp

"I heard you guys when I walked pass the hallway" he says

"Uh yeah..." I say

"I don't see why he didn't tell do you feel?" Kei asks sitting next to me on the bed

"Like he's maybe ashamed of me or he doesn't really want to be with me" I say shrugging

"Don't cry" Kei says cleaning my tear stained face. I didn't even know I was crying

"I didn't even know I was crying" I say chuckling sadly. Kei wraps his arms around me bringing me into a hug making me break down

Me and akiteru had been together for almost three years and nobody knows except Kei! I'm just hurt

"I'm sorry he's hiding you from everybody. If I had a woman like you I wouldn't dare hide you from the world" he says rubbing my back

-Tsukkishima's pov-

I smile as I look down at a sleeping y/n. She fell asleep about an hour ago and I wanted this moment to last. I hold her hand that was clutched onto my shirt

"I love you" I say kissing her lips. They're just as soft as I imagined

After a lot of thought and a little amount of time...I knew what I had to do. I laid y/n down in my bed going into the kitchen. I grabbed a pair of gloves and knife.

I walk into my moms room seeing her sleep. I sit down on her bed running a hand through her hair

"Kei? What's wrong?" She asks

"I love you...I really do" I say

"I love you to...buts wrong?" She asks

"Nothing...just thought I'd tell you" I say getting up

"Oh...Kay goodnight then" she says

"Goodnight" I say leaving her room going right to akiteru's room. I open the door seeing akiteru awake on his phone with His back was facing me

Once he hears the door open he looks back

"Oh hey little bro wassup" he asks Turing around

"Why didn't you tell mom about you and y/n?" I ask sitting down on the bed

"Y-you know?" He asks

"I heard you two in the hallway" I say making him sigh

"I-I don't know. I'm just scared what would mom and dad think?" He asks looking back at the window

"It doesn't matter what they think. You don't keep that type of woman in the dark from your family" I say pulling the knife out

I wrap my arm around his mouth quickly stabbing him in the stomach. He looks back at me with shock and horror

"W-why? Ke-kei why?" He asks

"You took y/n away from me! You brainwashed her! She's supposed to love me and me only. Now that you'll be out the picture she has no choice but to come to me!" I say bringing the knife down on his shoulder

His screams of pain muffled by my gloved hand

"Please make it easy for me and just die" I say finally sealing his fate slicing his throat

"I'm sorry big brother...but I will do anything for the woman I love" I say dropping the knife. I quickly go outside burning the gloves

After they were done burning I put the fire out and go back to my room seeing y/n still asleep. I smile and climb into bed with y/n pulling her close

-Y/n's pov-

I get up around 2:30. I look over seeing kei Asleep on my chest. I smile patting his head. He use to take naps in my lap all the time. Somethings never change and I hope they don't. I get up to use the bathroom and just felt like it needed to talk with akiteru

After finishing my business I go to his room. I knock on the door but didn't get an answer. Maybe he's sleep but I don't care.

I go in seeing an empty bed. I look over on the floor seeing an arm. I sigh thinking his ass fell out the bed again. I look up seeing his window open.

"He's gonna get sick" I say shaking my head with a sigh.I go to help him up but I let out blood curling scream falling on my butt

He was dead.

Soon Kei had came in. He look at the scene his eyes going wide as he starts crying

"A-akiteru?" He says dropping to his knees

Soon his mother and father came in screaming also

Who could have done this?

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