One hell of a wife// Takada

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You were Takada's wife and also a teacher at kurasano.

It was a Friday morning and you were getting the kids dress but you notice Takada wasn't up yet

"Takashi go wake up daddy" you say to your son who nods running up the stairs

You change your four month old daughters clothes. She started rolling around trying to get away from you.

You noticed that Takashi and Takada weren't down yet so you go up the stairs to see what was up. You walk in seeing Takashi cradling Takada's head

"Ittetsu what's wrong baby?" You ask sitting your daughter on the bed

"I-I don't feel so good" he admits

"What's wrong?" You ask

"I think I have a stomach bug" he says

"Aww Baby okay I'm going to drop Takashi off at school and stop by my office and I'll be back okay?" You tell him

"No honey I can take care of myself you go to work and fill in for me at practice okay?" He says grabbing your hand

"You sure? I don't want to leave you here sick like this baby" You tell him

"I could stay to Daddy" Takashi says

"O-okay if you're going to stay here at least fill in for my at practice" he says

"You and that damn team is going to drive me up a wall" you mumble kissing his forehead

"Come on Takashi" you say grabbing your daughter and leaving. After dropping Takashi off at school you make it into the school Going to your office getting some paper work.

You go to the principal telling him the situation and he lets you go.


You turn around seeing the whole team

"Why aren't you in class?" You asks

"We're going now where's Takada?" Daichi asks

"He's not feeling well and I have to get home to take care of him" you say as Sugawara starts to make your baby giggle by tickling her

"Oh okay well we hope he feels better" Asahi says. You nod and make your way back home

-Time skip-

You make some tea taking it to Takada

"My love, how are you?" You ask

"Terrible" he says with a pout. You pull out your phone from your pocket to see what time it is


"It's okay I'm pretty sure it's almost over." You say smiling

"How's Nahla is she okay ?" He ask

"Yes she isDon't worry your little head" you say with a closed eye smile causing Takada to smile himself

"I love you" he blurts

"I love you to"You say kissing his forehead

-Time skip-

Few hours later Takada was feeling so much better.

He stands up from the bed you both share and fix his self. He goes into the hallway and it was spotless meaning you cleaned up

"Up to bed you go." He hears from behind him

"Y/n?" He ask

"Oh hello my love! Feeling much better are we?" You ask

"Very much better what's going on here?" He asks.

"Nahla was feeling fussy you I'm putting her down for a nap before we leave for practice" you tell him

"I can watch her" Takada says taking her

"Are you sure?" You asks

"Positive we can bond I haven't had much time to spend with her" Takada says with a sheepish laugh

"Okay baby I'm going to go" you say kissing his forehead

"Okay bye" he waves as you leave out the door

-Time skip-

Practice was now over and Takada was playing Nahla on the floor. He crawled behind her as she screamed

You walked inside the house with the team behind you. Some how they got you to agree to making them soul food.

"Takada" you say

Your daughter hears your voice and gets to crawling. She makes it you and you pick her up

"Oh the teams here are they staying for dinner?" Takada asks making you nod. Takashi runs up to Takada wanting to show him the picture he drew in school today

You hand Nahla over to sugawara who plays with her before she decides she's done with him.

In the mist of you cooking she decided she wanted you. So you grabbed a blanket putting her on your back and tying it making Nahla relax.

After cooking Nahla was sleep and you started making plates. You take Nahla off your back and sit in your seat at the table

"That's one hell of a wife you got" Kenshin says smiling

"Indeed I do" Takada says smiling

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