Skipped dates//Iwaizumi

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Yn sighs as she checks the time on her phone. The restaurant she was suppose to meet her fiance at was about to close. This had probably been the third time this month he had been late or didnt show up.

Yn gets up ordering enough food for herself and leaving to go home. yn was disappointed and sad. What the hell was wrong with Iwai?

Thats the thought that went through yns head

She gives a disappointed sigh as she gets into her house. She strips out of her clothes jumping into the shower and left herself to her thoughts.

She had to be an hour into her shower when Iwai slipped into her house. He heard and shower running and he thought he could slip into the shower with yn.

He quickly gets into the shower wit yn wrapping his arms around her waist scaring her

"Iwai? What the hell!" yn says slapping his arms

"Ah shit baby Stop" He shouts

"Get out! And stop touching me!" Yn says pushing him out the shower. Iwaizumi sighs getting out the shower changing his clothes

After about an hour yn came out the bathroom dressed and ready to go

After about an hour yn came out the bathroom dressed and ready to go

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"Where are you going?" He asks

"Out with my girls. Hopefully I'll find a new dude" she says putting on nude colored lipstick

"New dude? What are you talking about" Iwaizumi asks

"Don't worry you'll find out later" Yn says grabbing her purse and walking to the door

"Yn why are you acting like this?" He asks

"Why? Why am I acting like this? Hajime...what was tonight?" Yn asks

"Uh Thursday?" He says

"No tonight was our anniversary. I was at the restaurant for HOURS waiting on you and where were you? With another Bitch!" Yn shouts pushing iwai

"What? Baby no I just forgot!" He says grabbing her hand but she snatches her hand away

"No! I smelled that cheap ass family dollar perfume when you got in the shower!" Yn says

"Baby it's nothing like that!" He says

"Yeah it's like that. I'm going out with my girls and I'm going to act up. I'm gon go to club and squat real low for a man. So don't wait up for me" she says taking off her engagement ring throwing it at him leaving out the door

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