My happy family// Daichi

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-Daichi's pov-

I sigh as I walk into the house after a long day of practice. I sit on the floor taking my shoes off. I smile as I smell the sent of my favorite meal.

Pork chops,macaroni and cheese, string beans and maybe a cake.


I smile as I feel arms wrapping around my neck

"Hey babygirl! How was your day?" I ask kissing my daughters cheek

"Good! Me and mommy colored!" She shouts smiling

"Ouu can I see?" I ask

"Yeah let's go!" She says pulling me into the house. After looking at the colorings I walk into the kitchen seeing my pregnant wife.

"I'm home!" I say walking over to her only to get hit with a spoon

"I should be the first person you speak to when you walk into this house!" She says

"Y/n I'm sorry" I say grabbing her waist

"You better be cause I'll go give your whole plate to Noya and you know he loves my pork chops" y/n says smirking

"Mommy! You can't give daddy's plate away! He has to eat to or he won't be able to play volleyball"  y/d says walking into the room with coloring pages

"Well daddy better realize who his wife is" y/n says kissing my cheek

"Go get changed for dinner" she says as she starts making plates. I nod doing as told. When I was done I make my way back downstairs to eat.

When I got into the kitchen I see y/n gripping the table.

"Mommy you okay?" Y/d asks

"Y-yeah your brother is just kicking" she says putting a plate in front of her and a plate at both our seats. I take her hand bringing her to her seat.

"Come on let's eat" I say making her nod. We pray over the food before we start eating.

"And than Nathen told me I was pretty" y/d says blushing

"Who's nathen?" I ask

"Her crush" y/n says laughing

"Crush?!" I asks

"Y-yeah" y/d says

"Babygirl your like... six you don't have a crush" I say pouting

Y/n gets up from the table giggling.

"Tell me more about this crush...both of you" I say looking over at y/n

"Well Nathan is in my class" y/n says

"His dad is pretty cool" y/n says opening the cabinet

"How do you know?" I ask

"He's a single dad and we talked when I picked y/n up the other d-" y/n says cutting herself off

"Babe?" I ask

I look back seeing her reaching for something and holding her stomach

"Mommy?you okay?" Y/d asks

"My water just broke" she mumbles. I look down seeing a pool of water by her feet

I jump up and start panicking

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" I ask rushing to her side

"No...but I do think I need to get to the hospital though" she says

"Okay okay okay uhhh y/n call uncle suga!" I shout

"Babe please stop yelling" y/n says waddling over to the hospital bag

"Are you sure your okay?" I ask

"Just fine Daichi y/d put your shoes on" y/n

-time skip-


I turn around seeing the guys

"Hey guys!" I say smiling

"Unkieee Asahiii" y/d says running over to asahi

"Where's y/n? Is she okay?" Hinata asks

"She's not all the way dilated yet she's at like 7" I say

"Family of y/n?"

I stand up basically rushing over to the doctor

"Is she okay?" I ask

"She's ready to have the baby but she said won't push unless your in the room" the doctor says making me chuckle

Stubborn as ever. I give y/d a talk and tell her to stay with the guys before going in and taking y/n's hand

"You got this baby you can do this" I say

"Uh I know" she says rolling her eyes

"Okay Mrs. give me a push on" before the doctor could finish y/n was already pushing

"Okay one more big push...three two-" and y/n pushes again

"Whew! I'm tired" y/n says whipping the sweat from her brow

"You do very good! You pushed him out in like 8 minutes! Did it hurt?" The doctor asks

"Nope" y/n says smiling

"Here's your baby mom!" Another doctor says handing y/n our son which makes us both smile

"Yup this is your son he got your big head" y/n says making me sweat drop

"Ha ha very funny" I say taking the baby from her

"Hey little man" I say kissing his forehead

"Mommmy!!! Daddyyyyy!" Y/d says rushing in holding asahi's hand

"Is that the baby?" Kageyama asks

"What else would it be king" Tuskki says snickering making Kageyama mad

"After all these years you two still can't get along?" Y/n asks chuckling

"Come here y/d say hi to your baby brother" I say

Y/d climbs into the bed next to y/n looking down at the brown haired baby

"Hi brother? What's your name?" Y/d asks

"Mura" I say smiling

"So he took half of your name?" Noya asks as he and Tanaka snicker together. Me and y/n send them a glare making them both stop

"Hi Mura! I'm your big sister I can't wait to play barbies together!" Y/d says

"He's not old enough to play barbies baby" y/n says kissing y/d's head. I look down at Mura who was looking at me Which made me smile

"Looks like you got a happy family" Suga says smiling

"Yeah.. I do" I say chuckling

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