Pay back is my bitch//Bokuto

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-Bokuto's pov-

"Y/n's gonna kick your ass" Akaashi says

"Why?" I ask

"You in here feeding bitches cake n shit" he says

Y/n was a woman I talked to...dated...fuck occasionally...I don't know what we were.

"There's nothing wrong with feeding someone cake isn't that right?" I ask the girl I was feeding. She smiles at me shaking her head

"Tch well there goes y/n"  Akaashi says pointing at the door with a smirk. I look to the door and my mouth dropped at her outfit

I watch as she takes her sunglass off flipping her newly blonde hair over her shoulder

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I watch as she takes her sunglass off flipping her newly blonde hair over her shoulder. She always switched her hair colors often and I loved her with blonde.

"Is that your girl?" The girl I was feeding ask

"Uhh" I say

"No" Akaashi says getting up with that same smirk on his face. I watch as he gets up from our vip to greet y/n. He walks over to her taking her into his arms hugging her.

I turn away from the girl and watch them. I watch as he kisses her on the damn lips. I watch as she smiles big

"The fuck are they talking about?" I ask out loud

"I don't know and I don't care feed me" the female says

"Uh I'll be back later" I say getting up and walking over to the two

"Hey y/n" I say

"Oh hey Bokuto" y/n says smiling at me. Akaashi's arm never leaves around her waist

"I didn't know you were coming to this party" I say

"Yeahh Akaashi invited me. I seen you feeding your girlfriend cake" she says smirking

"Oh she's not my girlfriend I don't even know her" I say honestly

"Mmm okay" she says

"Come on let's get you something to drink" Akaashi says kissing her cheek

"I like that let's go" y/n says

"Akaashi let me talk to you" I say

"I'll meet you at the bar" Akaashi says As y/n walks away

"So when were you gonna tell me that you and y/n was fucking around?" I ask

"Listen Bokuto Imma be honest with you as my teammate, brother, and bestfriend" he says calmly

"Okay so be honest" I say

"I took y/n from you" he says

"Excuse me?" I ask

"You heard me. Y/n came to me and told me you treat her like shit. Y/n is a good woman and to good for you." He says

"To good for me?" I ask

"Yeah you heard me! I watch the way you treat her and she doesn't deserve to be treated like that. She clearly means nothing to you!" He says low key mugging me

"Oh really? So what does she mean to me huh?" I ask

"A quick nut! I took her from you and Imma keep her from you! She's mine now. Good luck getting over losing the Best woman you could ever have" he says walking away making sure he bumps my shoulder

-y/n's pov-

I smile as Akaashi feeds me cheesecake(if you don't like cheesecake...anything else)

"You look beautiful tonight" he says kissing my lips

"Thank you" I say Giggling

"So are you spending the night tonight?" He asks

"If you want me to I don't want you to get tired of me" I say shrugging

"I could never get tired of you. You my lady" he says grabbing my hand

"Am I?" I ask smirking

"Yeah and you know this" he says softly kissing me

"Okay...I'm your lady then" I say giggling

"Yeah I know" he says smirking

"Imma go to the bathroom I'll be back" Akaashi says getting up.

Just then Bokuto walks up on me sitting in Akaashi's seat

"What bokuhoe?" I ask

"You got Akaashi feeding you cake n shit?" He asks

"Was you not feeding some random hoe cake when I walked in?" I ask

"That doesn't matter. What about us? I heard Akaashi saying you his lady! Fuck that your my lady!" He says

"No im not" I say calmly

"Oh really? This is apart of your plan? Dating my bestfriend?" He asks

"Yup! Not only do date your bestfriend I fuck him" I say smirking only shocking him

I told Bokuto about a week ago. I had told him I had a plan. I didn't tell him what my plan was for obvious reasons.

Fucking with Akaashi was all apart of my "plan". Bokuto treats me like shit and Akaashi doesn't. I wanted Bokuto hurting like me. I knew messing with Akaashi would hurt him.

Me and Akaashi officially getting together wasn't apart of the plan. It was supposed to be sex and that was supposed to be it.But I fell for him. Hard. In his eyes I was a queen.

"Didn't I tell you?" I say

"Tell me what?" He asks. I lean forward with a smirk on my face

"That pay back is my bitch" I say pointing to myself

I felt kisses on the neck making me smirk knowing it was Akaashi. I run a hand through his hair looking at Bokuto

"You ready to go love?" Akaashi asks

"Yeah. Come on baby" I say getting up from my seat walking away.

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