Mystery girl//Kawanishi

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-Kawanishi pov-

There she was. Front in centor. Why is she here? She's always at our games. No matter where they are she's always there.

"What are you looking at?" Shirabu asks

"Nothing" I say tucking my jersey into my shorts locking eyes with the girl. She smiles at me waving her hand 

"Ohh your looking at MG" He says smirking 

"Who?" I ask

"MG Stands for mystery girl" He says

"Why mystery girl?" I ask

"Cause she's mystery. Nobody knows her. knows where she goes to school. if she has any friends or family. She's just always around" He says shrugging. I nod looking back at her and to my surprise she was gone.

I sigh and walk over to the court and get ready for the game

-Time skip-

I sigh as I take a drink water. I look over to my left because I felt somebody staring at me. I look over seeing that girl. She smiles at me waving then she walks away. Now that I've seen her up closer I got to see her features 

she was pretty.She had white hair with beautiful skin with brown eyes. I sigh and go back to the gym.

After winning our game I spotted Mystery girl and decided to go after her. As I was walking up to her somebody grabs me

"Dont talk to her" Yunohama says

"Why" I ask

"Nobody knows her...people like her nothing but trouble" He says walking away from me. I look back at the spot she was standing seeing she was gone. I sigh and walk back over to my team. I dont know how she always just disappears the way she does.

she was a mystery and thats why I was drawn to her


I was walking home from school when I seen her. She smiles my way before moving her finger in a come here motion. I didnt know this girl but yet here my feet were moving towards her.

"Hello Kawanishi" She says smiling

"Y-you know my name?" I asked

"Of course I know everybodys name around the prefecture" She says smiling 

"W-who are you? whats your name?" I asks

"Mystery girl" She says smiling tilting her head to the side


"Thats what Im know as around japan am I wrong?" She asks giggling

"Uh yeah but thats not your real name" I say

"Atallah" she says

"Thats your name...It's pretty and it suits you" I say smiling slightly 

"Thank you. I must go" She says turning to leave but I stop her

"Wait! Will I see you again?" I ask

"Maybe" She says winking at me with a giggle


After about a month or two me and Atallah had hung out. It was never for long because she was always leaving but I enjoyed it. She was such a pretty funny sweet girl. I just wish I knew more about her.

Our meet ups were at random times. I never knew when I'd see her again. I would see her at one of my games or even the grocery stores. We'd talk for about 30 minutes before she'd up and leave and within those 30 minutes we were talking about me

I was in class doodling and I just so happened to draw Atallah. I smile down at the picture. It was safe to say I had a crush on the girl 

"Ouu Mystery girl?" Sagae says talking the paper from my desk

"Uh yeah" I say

"She's hot I tell you that! You know her personally?" He asks

"Kind of" I say 

"Whats her name?" He asks

"Atallah but Im not sure thats even her real name" I say sighing

Just then the door opens and in walks some random with a gun. The classroom goes ballistic.

"Do what I say and Nobody gets hurt" He says. He had on a ski mask so we didnt know who he was 

A few moments later The door was kicked in. a person with white hair and ski mask runs in kicking the dude in the side. They fight for a few seconds later the white haired person was getting the upper hand.

Who ever they were kicked the guy so hard her fell on the ground. He goes for the gun but the white haired person steps on his arm stopping him from doing so. they pick up the gun and gives it somebody else in the room I'm guessing their back up.

They bend down elbowing the guy in the face knocking him out. She snatches the maska off his face to revel our principle shocking us all. The white haired person takes their mask off throwing it to the ground. I gasp and stand up

"This man know as your principle was running an illegal cartel in this school. He's a wanted criminal and thanks to you Kawanishi we've finally fount him" She says smirk

"Mystery girl" Sagae says

"Take em away boys" She says

"Yes commander" A guy says bowing at her. She looks my way giving me that same beautiful bright smile

"A-Atallah?" I say in shock walking over to her

"Hello Kawanisi how are you?" She asks

"Y-your a swat team commander?!" I ask 

"Yes I am" She says smiling

"This is why you never talked about yourself?" I ask

"I was here undercover and telling you even my favorite color could have gotten my cover blown" She says

"How are you a commander for the swat team? Arent you my age?" I ask

"I was trained and built for this since birth. I may be young but I know how to do my job" She says

"Is Atallah even your real name?" I ask

"'s y/n" she says smiling. As I was about to ask her something else her back up interrupts

"Commander we have to go" He says glaring at me

"Okay here I come" She says. Once he walks away I speak again

"You said you liked me...was that a lie?" I ask

"No..That was the truth but I have to go but I will leave you with a parting gift." She says smiling. She leans forward kissing the side of my mouth making my body stiff and my cheeks the same color as tomatos 

She pulls away with a smile. She puts a piece of paper in my hand

"This is where you can reach me...I dont want what we have to end" She says giving me closed eye smile tilting her head to the side before leaving

"wait Atallah- Y/n!" I shout

"Yes?" She says as she stops walking. I give her a slight smile

"I like you" I say. she giggles before winking at me

"I like you to" She says walking out the classroom.


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