That one chick prt2//Hinata

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It's been a week since Hinta fount out who y/n really was.Y/n thought the compulsion worked but clearly it didn't.

Today was not y/n's day. She was late because her hair decided to not work with her. It just wouldn't lay down!

Not only did it take her 30 minutes to lay her hair down...she couldn't find her cheer uniform skirt.

She had multiple uniforms Incase things like this happened but she couldn't find not one!

"PAPA!!!" She shouts from the top of the stairs

"Yes Y/n" her father yells back

"I can't find my uniform!!" She yells

"Check in my bedroom your mother washed clothes"

She's rushes to her parents room going through the clothes basket finding her uniform.

She grabs her gym bag pushing her pompoms into it

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She grabs her gym bag pushing her pompoms into it.

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes Papa sorry to keep you waiting" she says with a sad tone

"It's okay now let's grab a bite to eat...I'm starving" her father says smirking showing his fangs

"You are so not cool" she says laughing as they get into his car

Kageyama sat in class looking at the door waiting for y/n to come in. He didn't understand why she was late.

"Why is she late?"Kageyama asks himself but of course Hinata heard him

"Maybe when she was on her way here the sun burnt her up! You know vampires can't be in the sun" he says with a serious look

"Hinata shut up before somebody hears you and think your crazy!" Kageyama whispers

"I'm not crazy I know what I saw"Hinata says making Kageyama roll his eyes

Just then y/n rushes in with the biggest smile

"Sorry Mr.Park that I'm late I was having some difficulty's this morning" she says with a closed eye smile

"It is fine. Since it is your first time late to my class I'll let you slide next time you may not be so lucky" Mr.park says

"If course" she says smiling walking to her seat

"She's so polite what's not to like?!"Kageyama says to nobody in Particular.Hinata growls in y/n direction.Y/n feels him looking at her and she turns around waving her hand smiling making hinata even more angry

He refused for his older brother to fall in love with a monster. He'll need to do some research.

After school Hinata makes his way to the schools library. It was always empty on Wednesday's so he could look for all the books he needed without people looking at him like he was a freak.

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