My family//oikwa

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-oikawa's pov-


I smile as Alex and Nina jump onto me making me laugh and smile.

"Hey guys" I say kissing both of their cheeks

"Where's mommy?" I ask

"Right here" y/n says walking in with their bags

"Hi y/n" I say kissing her cheek making her look at me

"Oikawa don't start" she says smiling putting their bags on the couch

"You look pretty" I say smirking At her

"Thank you. Come here mommy babies" she says making Nina and Alex jump out my arms jumping on her

"Mommy stay! Spend time with us and daddy" Nina says

"I don't know babies" she says kissing Alex's head

"P-please m-mommy" Alex asks pouting

"Yeah you know your welcome here in our house with our kids" I say making her laugh

"Whatever oikawa" she says rolling her eyes with a smile

"Please momma we never hang out as a family" Nina says

"I guess" y/n says making the kids cheer

"Awww we're gonna have a family day!!!" I say jumping up and down with the kids

"Your so childish" y/n says giggling


After dinner I laid the twins down in their room and go back to y/n

"Ugh this storm isn't clearing up" y/n says peeking out the window

"You can stay here. I don't want you driving in that weather" I say wrapping my arms around her waist

"Oikawa stop doing that" she says pushing me away

"Stop doing what?" I ask

"Stop hugging and kissing on me like we're together" she says

"We can be together" I say

"Oikawa noo" she says sighing

"Why not? We have kids together what's stopping us from being together?" I ask

"Oikawa" she repeats. Of course she doesn't have an answer

"Y/n come on it's been two years now just come be my girlfriend and we can raise the kids together" I say

It was silent for a moment. I hope she says yes. Over the two years we've hung out I don't wanna say dates in case she feels like they weren't

"Fine...we can be a family" she says smiling

"Great" I say kissing her lips taking her by surprise

"Let's get to bed" I say picking her up bridal style going to what is now our room

"I love you" I say putting her on the bed

"I love you to" she says smiling

"Night" I say

"Goodnight"I say falling asleep with a smile on my face


I jump up from my bed rushing into the twins room. They both were sitting up in their beds crying.

"Hey hey hey what's going on? What happened?" I ask

"Alex is scared" Nina says

"N-no ni-Nina is sca-sacred to" Alex says making me smile. He had a stuttering problem but the doctor says it should slowly go away as he grows older. I fount it cute

"What are you sacred of?" I ask grabbing Alex walking over to nina's bed

"The thunder" Nina says

"Want to sleep with me and mommy?" I asks

"Yes!" The both says. I pick them both up walking to y/n and I bedroom. By the time I got to the door they were both sleep

Y/n sits up grabbing Nina from me. She smiles putting her next to her stomach

"Your a good father" y/n says walking

"Am I? I regret not being there for them" I say running my hands through Alex's Curls. He was a splitting image of his mother and me. It was crazy

"Your here now" y/n says making me smile

"We should make some more" I say smirking at me

"Slow down pretty boy we just got together let's raise these two first" y/n says smiling

"Okay" I say getting in the bed pulling Alex on my stomach patting his back

"I love you guys" I say

"We love you to" y/n says

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