Polly prt2//Yamaguchi+Tsukki

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Face revel at the end😉

-Yamaguchi pov-

"Maybe this isn't a good idea" I say to myself

"What?" Yn asks from the side of me. I stand up putting my coat on

"Come on Yn" I say as she stands up

"Where are we going?" Yn asks as I put her coat on her

"Home" I say

"Leaving early?" Tsuki asks with a smirk making me angry

"Yeah we are. Good bye" I say with a sarcastic smile

"Baby wait-"Yn says but I cut her off

"No let's go home now" I say grabbing her hand taking her to the car. The whole ride home it was quiet. Yn tried to talk to me but I ignored her.

She didn't do anything wrong and it wasn't her fault. I just didn't like the fact that all this time my so called "bestfriend" had a thing for my woman.

"Tadashi! You can't be mad" Yn says

"I can't?! I can't?! Why not!?" I ask hitting the breaks

"Because YOU told ME to think about it!" She says

"Because I thought he had a thing for me!" I say

"And that's okay?!" She asks rolling her eyes

"No! I just don't like the fact my bestfriend has a thing for my girlfriend! He only wants this to work so he can have YOU!" I say

"So this isn't going to work because he likes me... Am I not likeable?" She asks making me sigh

"No Yn baby that's not what I'm trying to say" I say

"Well it sounds like it...that's how a Polly relationship works! It's no point if he doesn't like me to!" Yn says

"Whatever Yn we're not doing this" I say driving again


"Lets just find another person to be in our relationship" I say

"No I want Kei" Yn says from the couch making me whip my head around

"Oh so You want to be with Kei?!" I ask

"Not in that way! I'm saying I don't want to add a stranger in our relationship. Lets add someone we know and trust. Somebody we're familiar with" Yn says

"No matter of fact! Lets not do it at all! We don't need a third person! We have each other" I say

I had changed my mind about the whole thing because I didn't want another person to come in and take yn's love from me. I didn't want them to take away all her attention.

Rather it was Tuskki or a stranger.

"Why the change of heart now?" Yn asks Rolling her eyes. Before I could respond the doorbell rings

"WHO IS IT?!" I shout


I look over at Yn with a confused look.

"Why is he here?" I ask her. She shrugs with a surprised look. She gets up from the couch and I follow her

She opens the door with a smile

"Uh hey Tsuki" she says making me roll my eyes. The hell she being nice to him for?

"Hey Yn you look nice" he says smirking. I look over at her seeing she was dressed in a black spaghetti strap sundress

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