My kids//Oikawa

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-Oikawa's pov-

"Mr.oikawa!" My assistant Sydney asks

"Yes syd" I say taking a sip of my water

"Why didn't you tell me you had a set of twins?!" She asks making me do a spit take

"Twins?! Sydney stop playing around" I say

"I'm serious! Your son and daughter! They look just like you" she says smiling

"And where did you see these kids?" I ask

"At the day care I take my daughter to" she says

"And what's the name of this day care?" I ask

"Y/l daycare" she responds

That name sounded so familiar. I wonder where I've heard it from.

"Is your daughter there now?" I ask

"Yes" she says looking at me confused

"Can I go with you to pick her up please?" I ask. I wanted to see these kids for myself

"Uh sure let's go" she says and we walk out of my house. We get in her car and drive off

"If you don't mind me asking why'd you sound so shocked when I told you I seen your kids" she asks

"I'm gonna be real with you syd...I don't have any kids. I don't have a wife or a girlfriend is just me. So when I hear they're kids out there looking like me I'm shocked" I say honestly

"Understandable...we're here" she says parking her her car and we get out going into the building


"Hey y/n! How are you?" Sydney says walking away with me behind her. Y/n? That sounds familiar to

"I'm good and so was Clementine" the girl who looked real familiar says smiling

"Of course I'm so glad to hear! How's Nina and Alex?" Sydney asks

"They're fine! Clem! Nina and Alex come here" the woman says. Just then clementine, Sydney's daughter comes running over to us

"Uncle toruu!!" She says smiling

"Hey Clem you have fun today?" I ask

"Yeah! Me nina and Alex played hide and seek" she says smiling

"Are they your friends?" I ask

"Yeah!" She says smiling

Just then two curly brown haired kids run up to the woman. I look at Sydney who looks at me and nod

"Mommy ca-can I have a sna-snack?" The little boy asks

"We already had snack time Alex" the little girl says

I walk over to the woman who finally noticed me. Her smile drops when she sees me

"Hi I'm-"

"Toru oikawa. I know" she says

"Uh okay...what's your name?" I ask

"Y/n y/l" she says

"By any chance do you have a friend by the name Marisa?" I ask

"I do... you look familiar" she says

"I'm a volleyball player" I say

"No...I know you from som-" just then the boy interrupts her

"M-mommy I'm t-tired" the boy says rubbing his eyes

"Okay come on babies let's go home" she says picking up the two kids and trying to walk away from me

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