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-Suga's pov-

Noya had won his game and we decided to come celebrate with him. We were at his house drinking

"Yo Noya where's the food" Tanaka asks

"Oh my aunties coming over and bringing food she cooked" Noya says

"Please don't tell me your auntie Nee! Her food is nasty" Kageyama says

"No my auntie y/n" Noya says

"Never met her" asahi says

"Well you'll met her tonight" Noya says

Just then his door opens and in walks in a beautiful woman.

"Nephewwww I'm so proud of youuu" she says snatching Noya planting kisses on his cheek

"Y/n stop!" He says trying to push her away

"No I missed you so much my little baby wiped the floor with those trash ass player" she says squeezing him in a hug

"Y/n stop I'm older than you" Noya says laughing

"Whatever boy go out to my car and get the rest of the food while I talk to your little friends" she says waving him off

She walks over to the living room head held high. She wore a sleeveless shirt with a plaid black skirt with black and white heeled boots. She had a blue fur coat on

She lowered her blue sunglasses looking at us smiling

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She lowered her blue sunglasses looking at us smiling

"Hello I'm y/n Noya's auntie" she says shaking hands with all of us. Once she got to me I just stared at her. I finally snap out of it and shake her hand

"Sugawara but you can call me Suga" I say smiling

"Hell suga" she says taking her coat off

"I'll take that for you" I say hopping up taking her coat

"Thank you such a gentleman" she says smiling at me making me blush

"N-no problem" I say going to hang her coat up

"Whats got you all red in the face?" Noya asks coming back into the house

"Your auntie" Kageyama says sipping on his drink

"N-No!" I say closing the closet door

"Yes! She shook his hand and smiled at him and blood rushed down to his penis" Kageyama says giggling

"No! That's not what happened!" I say

"Yeah okay" Kageyama says laughing and walking away

"If your gonna peruse my aunt...treat her hell. All the guys she's date were trash and bums. I trust you with her but if you break her heart to? I'll bust your ass understood?" Noya asks pointing at Me making me gulp

"Y-yeah understood"  I say

"Great now let's eat y/n cooks the best food" he says jumping to the kitchen. I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding and walk to the kitchen where everybody were making plates

"Where's Ms.y/n?" I ask

"No need for formalities Suga" Noya says making his plate

"In the bathroom" Hinata Says

"I see why your found of her! She's beautiful funny and charming" Kageyama says

"Yeah you better swoop her up before I do. Put a ring on it and have her cooking this good food for me!" Tanaka says cackling turning to Noya for a high five

"Dude she's my aunt" Noya says

"Oh yeah right my bad" he says

"I would but I don't think she'd like a guy like me" I say with a sigh

"What makes you say that?" Daichi asks

"I mean look at me! Am I really her type?" I ask

"You'll never know unless you ask" Daichi says patting my back

"I say go for it...she's nice and pretty" Hinata says

"You think every woman is nice and pretty" Kageyama says rolling his eyes

"Are you guys talking about me?" Y/n asks walking in the room

"Yup! Suga wants to take you to dinner Friday night" Daichi says smirking at me

"Is that so?" Y/n asks smirking

The room was silent for a minute. I run my wet sweaty palms over my pants

"U-uh yeah I wou-would enjoy your company at a d-dinner" I say

"Mm...pick me up at 8 and don't be late" she says walking away heels clicking against the floor

I let out a sigh a relief

"I-I have a date Friday Night" I say smiling as my friends cheer for me

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