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-Kenna's pov-

"Y'all ready?" I ask turning on my camera

"We waiting on you!" Bokuto says

"No we're waiting on sho" I say

"Is he even in the discord?" Kuroo asks

"I don't think so" I say clicking into among us

"I'm here I'm here!" Shouyo says

"Great can we start now" I say fixing my volume

"Now Bokuto don't embarrass yourself on Kenma's channel again" Akaashi says making us all laugh

"Didn't I say stop bringing that up!" Bokuto says making us laugh harder

"Alright what's the code kenma" lev asks

"DMXLHZ" I say As yn comes in the room with a bag of chips and a juice

"I was at the store and I knew you'd want something so here" she says kissing my forehead

"Thank you baby" I say

"HI BABYMOMMA!!" Lev shouts

"Hi lev" yn says giggling

"Lev didn't I tell you stop flirting with my girlfriend?" I ask

"Yeah you did but she's so hot it's kind of hard not to" lev says and I can tell her shrugged

"He's right" Bokuto says making me roll my eyes

"I'm gonna be in the shower okay" yn says walking away

"Who's green?" I ask

"I don't be not with us" Akaashi says

"Ayo Hinata sus" lev says

"What how" Hinata asks

"You keep walking around" lev says

"Yeah and when everybody went to reactors you didn't come with us" Kuroo says

"That is kind of sus shou" I say

Just then I get a message on my computer from yn. I open it my eyes going wide as my cheeks flush a deep red.

Yn had sent me some...photos.

"I'm gonna have to edit this out" I mumble to myself

"What you say kenma" Kuroo asks

"N-nothing" I say

"Kenmaaaa! Come play with me!" Yn shouts from our bedroom

"Yo what she just say!?" Bokuto says

"It sounds like she said come play with me!" Lev says

"Yn I'm in the middle of a game give me some time
Okay?" I shout back

"I'm giving you an hour" she says

"You on her time boy you better hurry up!" Bokuto says making the call laugh

"Haha Bokuto is the imposter" I say

"What?! No I'm not!" He shouts

"He just killed Akaashi then vented" I say

"Vote Bokuto" Kuroo says as everyone votes Bokuto out and he was the imposter. I smirk as Bokuto shouts


I look over my computer seeing Yn standing in the doorway of my office in her black robe

"Yes baby" I say looking back around to my computer

"Come to the bedroom" she says

"I told you I'll be there in an hour" I say making her sigh rolling her eyes

"I want you now" she says whining

"Yn baby please just give me an hour we started a new match" I say looking up at her

"Kenma is there a problem?" Sho asks

"No lets play" I say

"I was trying to be a nice but I see you want to do this the hard way" Yn says smirking

"Yn what are you talking about" I ask. Yn slowly unties her robe taking it off throwing it off to the floor. My eyes wide at the bright pink and white lingerie set she had on

She walks over to the closet grabbing her exercising mat laying it on the floor. She often worked out or did yoga in here because it was pretty spacious

I watch as she gets down on her knees getting into downward dog position. I lick my lips as my eyes follow her body

"Yn what are you doing?" I ask killing Kuroo since I was imposter

"Doing yoga" she says

"In lingerie?"I ask looking back at her who was now on on her back in missionary grabbing her feet slowly opening her legs

"My muscles are tense" she says

"Whatever" I say looking back at the computer

"Kenma pay attention!" Lev says

"Right man what's got you distracted?" Bokuto asks

"Yn" I say looking over at her as she bends over touching her toes. I sigh shaking my head looking back at the computer

"What is she doing? Tell her to leave" Akaashi says. Before I could answer yn comes over straddling me kissing my lips

"I'm doing yoga" Yn says in a soft voice

"Yn what are you doing?!" I ask in a whisper

"I want to play" she says smiling. I let my hands roam around her body and before my hands could touch her ass she turns around taking my head set

"Hi guys!!" Yn says

"Yn what are you doing?" Kuroo asks

"I'm playing for kenma" she says slowly grinding on me

"Do you know how to play?" Sho asks

"I play with Kageyama all the time" she says making me peek over at her

"The hell are you doing playing with Kageyama?" I ask

"He asked if I wanted to play and I said yes" she says grabbing my hands putting them on her breast. I give them a squeeze Almost moaning myself

"Grind faster" I whisper in her ear making her do as told. I throw my head back letting out a breathy moan

"I won! Ha!" Yn says smiling

"That's nice baby how about you take these off and we can go play in the bedroom" I say putting my finger into her panties

"Nah I'm not in the mood anymore" she says slapping my hand away getting up and leaving. I look at her as she walks away swinging her hips

"What do you want for dinner?" She asks smirking

"You" I say

"Woahhh we still here!" Kuroo says

Yn giggles walking away. I sigh exit out the application

"I'm gonna take a shower I'll be back" I say ending the call and rushing to the bathroom.

Cant believe Yn. She's such a tease

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