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Breaking news!
Famous volleyball player Hinata shoyo and famous solo singer songwriter Y/n have been spotted together at Starbucks

Breaking news!
Solo singer y/n reportedly told reporters in a interview that she's been seeing someone special. A few weeks prior Famous middle blocker Hinata shoyo said the same thing! Could they be seeing each other!

Breaking news!
Is Hinata shoyo the famous middle blocker and solo singer y/n together? After Hinata posting these pictures on his Instagram account

Breaking news!Is Hinata shoyo the famous middle blocker and solo singer y/n together? After Hinata posting these pictures on his Instagram account

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Captioning it "This is where I want to be

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Captioning it "This is where I want to be. Right here and with her"

Does this confirm the relationship between the two?

-Hinata's pov-

"Hinata you dumbass!" Kageyama screams at me walking into my bedroom. I quickly cover y/n's  sleeping body

"What Kageyama?" I ask in a whisper. He looks over at y/n's body and points

"Is this her? This is your girlfriend?" He asks whispering back

"No she's my...fiancée?" I say in a questionable tone

"Fiancé?! When the hell were you gonna tell me? Your bestfriend! I had to find out on Instagram?!" He whisper shouts

"I'm sorry" I say

"Daichi asked you were you two together when the rumours first surfaced so that means you lied! He's gonna kick your ass!" Kageyama says slightly raising his voice


I turn around seeing y/n sitting up from under the covers

"Uh hey baby" I say smiling at her

"Why are you up it's seven in the morning come back to bed please?"  she asks

"I will when uh Kageyama leaves" I say pointing at my bestfriend

She sits back up looking in Kageyama direction who just waved at her. She slowly waved back


"Uh oh" I say

"Your in trouble" Kageyama whispers

Just then Daichi walks into the room followed by everybody

"Uh wassup Daichi man!" I say waving

"Is this her?" He asks pointing at y/n who I can hear scoff. She gets from under the cover hugging me from the back rubbing on my shirtless chest

"Babe I want to sleep and I want you next to me. I know their your friends but could you please tell them to leave?" She asks

"I know they just want to know what's going on" I say kissing her lips

"I know but it's also not any of their business" she mumbles getting up from the bed going into the bathroom

"She's a babe" Tanaka says

"Yeah never knew a twerp like you could bag a girl like her" Kageyama says flicking my forehead

"We haven't been around each other like we were in high school in guys don't know what I can bag" I say

"Don't get smart dumbass!" Kageyama yells at me

"Hinata I'm very disappointed in you" Daichi says

"Why?" I ask

"Why didn't you tell me? And I asked and you told me no" Daichi says making me sigh

"With all do respect Daichi...I'm a grown man. At the time it was just a rumour then I got to know y/n and I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I don't have to let any of you know what's going on in my life" I say getting up to knock on the bathroom door

"Babe you can come out now my friends are leaving" I say looking at the guys

"Uh okay...hope we're invited to the wedding"asahi mumbles as everybody leaves out

Y/n comes out getting back in the bed. I sigh and get in next to her wrapping my arms around her waist

"Ya know...I'm glad that website came up with that rumour. If they didn't come up with those rumours I wouldn't be here with you" I say

"Yeah me to" she says smiling up at me

"I love you y/n" I say kissing her forehead

"I love you to" she says

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