Wine date//Yamaguchi

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Now of course Yamaguchi is older in this one

-Yamaguchi's pov-

I sigh as I take out the burnt meal I had been trying to prepare for y/n. This was our fourth date and I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend.

For our last date she had cooked and we ate at her place. I wanted to do the same thing but I had got distracted and accidentally burnt it.

I had no other choice but to order pizza. I sigh and get on the phone with the pizza place and placed me order making sure to get Buffalo wings.

I remember y/n telling me she liked those. I sigh and text y/n

me:comfy clothes please

Future💍: Why?

me:I'll tell you when you get here


I go change into some sweats and a black Tank top(Since everybody was confused about a wife beater💀💀) soon I hear the door bell

"Pizza delivery !"

I rush to the door paying for the food and take it to the kitchen. soon The doorbell rings. I open the door blushing at y/n's attire

 I open the door blushing at y/n's attire

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"I-I said comfy" I say letting her in

"This is comfy" She says smiling. she comes in closing the door. She takes off her heels and kiss my cheek

"W-whats that for?" I ask

"Just because" She says giggling

"I uh kind of burnt the food" I say blushing

"Aww Tadashi" She says making me blush deeper

"I- I just wanted to make your favorite and I kind of got distracted so I ordered pizza and other things" I say

"Aww your so cute" Y/n says cupping my cheeks

"Lets eat" I say. she grabs my hand taking me to the dinning table. My table was in front of my pent house window.

I bring the plates and food over to the table.

"Anything to drink?" I ask

"Do you have any Wine?" She asks

"Uh I do" I say walking over to the wall of wine I have. I have so many bottles of wine. Usually after I win a game somebody gifts a bottle to me. I dont really drink so I just keep some for decoration

"Chardonnay or red?" I ask

"Red it makes me feel sexy when I drink it" Y/n says giggling

"O-okay" I say grabbing the bottle and two wine glasses and bring them back to the table.

"Your penthouse is so big! Do you ever get lonely?" Y/n asks taking a bite of her pizza

"Not really Cause I'm always on the road but sometimes when I am here it does hit a little" I tell her taking a sip from my cup

"Maybe when I move in You wont be lonely" She says making me choke

"M-move in?" I ask

I didnt even ask her to be my girlfriend yet! God must be on my side

"Yeah" She says picking up her phone coming around to my seat. she sits down on my lap making me blush. She grabs her cup and opens her phone

"Lets take pictures" She says

"O-okay" I Say putting my hand on the table

"You can touch me Tadashi" She says smiling

"O-okay" I say mentally smacking myself for stuttering so much. I rest my hand on her hip as I smile as she takes the picture. After a few more picture y/n stays in my lap eating her food. If only she knew how she makes me feel

After we finish eating we sat on my couch with another cup of wine and talk. After an hour or so y/n started getting tired and was leaving but I had to ask her about ealier

"Hey uh y/n about what you said earlier? Ya moving in?" I ask

"yes?" She asks as she puts her heels on

"Do you really see yourself being my girlfriend?" I ask. She looks at me with wide eyes and an embarrassed look

"I-I thought I was already your girlfriend" She says

"Ah?! you did?!" I ask

"Oh I'm so sorry you were probably so uncomfortable tonight I am so sorry" She says hiding her face in her hands. I smile and take her hands in mine

"Its okay. I wasnt uncomfortable and I was actually thinking about asking you to be my girlfriend tonight but seeing as I screwed up dinner I didnt think you'd say yes" I say nervously

"Really?" She asks

"Really. With that being said will you be my girlfriend?" I ask. She looks at me and smile

"Of course...Night Tadashi" She says kissing my cheek. I smile and kiss her's

"Night Y/n" I say before closing the door

After cleaning up I get in the shower and dress for bed. I get in bed and decided to check my socials before going to sleep. The last app I decided on was Snapchat. I watched a few peoples stories.

I smile as Y/n's came up. It was a few pictures of her in her outfit before she came over and the last one was a picture we took. She was sitting in my lap as we both smiled holding our wine glasses. She captioned it

"wine date🍷"

I smile screenshoting it and psoting it on my socials. Soon enough the group chat was going crazy. I smile at the picture and hold my phone to my chest.

"Night y/n" I whisper before falling asleep


Somebody request a Tanka smut👀

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