Halloween// Yaku

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Halloween Night. One of the most exciting nights out the year. You were so excited. You, your older sister, and your friends were walking around campus. You were college students.

Your sister was kiyoko.

You guys walked in front of the frat house where the frat boys were outside decorating.

"Guess their having a party" you think

They stop you guys. You were not into frat boys but one with brown hair caught your eye.You smile making your way over to him. He wasn't looking at you he was looking at your sisters friend.He turns his head to you and blush.

"Hello" you say with a closed eye smile

"Uh h-hi" He says with a blushing smile

"I'm y/n" you say

"Yaku" he says with a smile

"So do you go to the school" a silver head boy says pulling you away from the boy making him frown

"Uh yeah I do" you say smiling

"Well I am Lev" he says smiling pointing to himself

"Y/n" you says

"These are my friends Yaku, Yamamoto, Dachi, Suga,Kenma, Nobuyuki, Tanaka, noya And our president Kuroo!" He says as all the guys wave

Then a Tall guy with black hair jumps from the frat house stairs jumping onto Yaku  as they laugh

"Hello I am Kuroo and I'm president of Shiguma alpaca" he says smiling at me

"What are you lady's up to tonight" Noya ask

"I had no plans" your friend Nisha says looking at all of you

"We are throwing a costume party" Dachi says with a big smile

"You should come" Tanaka says smiling at you

"Yeah at 8" Kuroo says

"Well I guess we'll see you tonight then" Yachi says

They all nod and smile at us as we walk away.

"Are we really going to this costume party?" Yukie ask

"Yeah!! Did you see those frat boys?!? They were soooo hot" Hana says as she starts drooling

They continue to talk about the boys as we get to me and my sisters house. We live together off campus

"So ALL of you including you Yukie" Eri says

"Yeah yeah yeah" she says as she listens to her music

"Meet here before the party" Eri says smiling

"Okay see you tonight" the girls says as they walk away

You unlock the door plopping down on the couch closing your eyes

"Uh y/n?" kiyko says

"Yes" you say not opening your eyes

"Shouldn't you get ready?" She asks

"Nope the party doesn't start until 8 so I have time for a nap" you say flipping over on the couch

"Fine I'll wake you up two hours before 8" she says walking up the stairs

"AN HOUR BEFORE" you yell back and her response was slamming her door.

Hours later Your sister was waking you up. You groan because you didn't even want to go anymore. You take a shower going into your and changing into your costume...Which was a very big pumpkin.*cue the crickets*

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