My silent giant//Aone

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-Yn's pov-

Nobody knew how Me and Aone came to be. Our relationship always turned heads. Aone was a literally a silent giant! Then Theres me a loud out going person.

People always wondered

"Does he talk to her?"

"Why does she want to be with him?"

"He's huge! Why is he with her?"

But I didn't care. Aone actually did talk to me all the time. He didn't say a lot but he still talked to me none of the less.

"Takanobuuu!! Look!" I say grabbing the box of mochi out the freezer in the store to show him. Aone just stood there🧍🏽‍♂️holding my hand

"They have strawberry!" I say smiling

"Get it" Aone says taking the box from me throwing it in the basket

I push the cart as Aone walked next to me holding my hand.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" I ask

"Chicken and potatoes"

"Brown or red skin?" I ask

"Red skin" Aone says moving closer to me. I pick up the bag of potatoes and put them in the cart

"Can we make brownies again?" Aone asks making me smile

"Of course" I say. He smiles handing me the box of brownie mix

"Ynnnn! Aone!!!"

I turn around seeing the whole date tch team

"Hi" Aone says stiffly waving

"What are you doing?" Futakuchi asks

"I'm making brownies later wanna come over?" I ask

"Yeah!" The team shouts

I smile grabbing Aone hands and finish shopping. After paying for the food we put the bags in the car and drive home with the guys in tow.

"I'll get them" Aone says as I try and grab the bags. I nod going to unlock the door jumping into the shower.

After a 20 minute shower I throw on a tank top and shorts and run downstairs to the kitchen where Aone was standing reading the brownie box

"We make brownies all the time you still need to read the directions?" I ask hugging him

"Yeah" he says making me chuckle

I start taking out ingredients and things I needed

"Yn how long for the brownies"Sakunami asks

"Shut up or you won't get any" I say pouring the brownie mix in the bowl. Aone stands behind me wrapping his arms around me laying his head on my back

"Hand me the butter" I say pointing.Aone reaches over handing me what I ask for

"Want to crack the eggs?" I ask. He nods letting me go grabbing to eggs cracking them into the bowl. I smile as I kiss his cheek. Aone was really a big baby but I didn't mind at all

I put everything else inside the bowl mixing it up. I put the mix into the pan popping it into the oven.

I sit down at the island after putting the timer on. Aone walks over to me picking me up taking my seat.

I smile running a hand through his hair

"Aren't y'all cute"

I look over seeing the whole team. Aone gets shy hiding his face in my chest

"Well thank you" I say

"You got a sister or cousin that look like you?" Moniwa asks making me laugh

"Sorry no" I say

After a few moments of talking the brownies were done. I take them out cutting them giving the first one to Aone who happily eats it

"Is it good?" I ask smirking

"Yes" Aone says smiling

"Great can we get some now?" Kamasaki asks

"Go ahead" I say as Aone feeds me a brownies

"Y'all are so cute it makes me want to throw up" sasaya says

"Good or bad?" I ask

"Good I'm jealous" sasaya says

Aone wraps his arms around me whispering in my ear

"I love you"

"I love you to" I smile before kissing his lips

"Who would have thought! Aone got a girlfriend before me!" Kagonegawa says pouting

"So not fair" fukiage says

"Can y'all stop eating my brownies? Save my baby some please" I say taking the tray away from them

"Yn stop playing! Give us the rest" kagonegawa says reaching for the pan

"No! I made these for Aone! Here baby" I say handing the pan to Aone who gladly ate the last three brownies

"Yn just adopt me so I can have your delicious brownies all the time" kagonegawa says groaning

"Fucking adopting! Marry me" futakuchi says

"No! She's marrying me" Aone says clear as day pulling me closer to him

"Oh shit my bad Aone! Won't happen again!" Futakuchi says putting his hands up in defence

"Love my Yn" Aone says squeezing me slightly

"I love my Aone" I say smiling kissing the top of his head

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