Surprise surprise//Saeko

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-Tanaka's pov-

I sigh setting the table

"Thanks for being here guys" I say

"No problem!" Daichi says

"Yeah man call us and we'll be on our way" Noya says smiling patting my back

"So why are we here?" Tuskki asks rolling his eyes making me kick him in the back

"Your here to meet my sisters fiancé" I say

"Big sis is engaged?!" Noya says gasping

"Yeah she never told us. She came to Sunday dinner with a ring on her finger" I say shrugging

"She didn't tell anybody she was engaged?" Suga asks

"No" I say shrugging

"That's crazy" Asahi says

"Family!!! I'm here!!" I hear saeko scream. Why is she always so loud!

"Little brother!!" She says smiling grabbing me bringing me in for a hug

"Hi saeko" I say hugging her back

"Hey guys! Did you miss me?" She asks laughing

"Hey big sis!" Noya says

"Where's your fiancé?" I ask

"You'll meet them later where's mom and dad?" she says patting my back

"In the kitchen making dinner how come you didn't tell us you were getting married?" I ask

"It kind of slipped my mind" she says shrugging

"That kind of thing doesn't slip your mind" I say glaring at her

"Well when your in love it does. We live in Tokyo-"

"You live together?!" I shout cutting her off

"Far away from you guys and we're dorm mates" she says returning the glare

"Soo where is he?" I ask

"I said you'll met them later" she says walking away to the kitchen

"How old is your sister?" Hinata asks

"22" I say

"And she's getting married?!" Kageyama asks

"It's her life...can't do nothing but support her decisions" I say sighing

-Saeko's pov-

I sigh as my parents lecture me on my choice

"If you don't want me to find love just say that" I say

"Saeko honey it's not's just your so young you haven't even had the chance to live yet!" My mom says

"It doesn't matter I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this person" I say

"He proposed to you?" My dad asks

"No I proposed to them" I say

"Oh my...what's next a baby?" My dad asks

"We've talked about it" I say honestly

"Oh I need to sit down" mom says fanning herself

"Just go with your brother dinners already" dad says

"Saeko!!! Your friend is at the door" Tanaka shouts

"That's my cue" I say running to the door

"Yn!!!" I shout jumping on her

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