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King Kuroo

About 100 years ago my queen I had died. I had let an enemy into our palace. They poised her food and she died instantly. I died shortly after her when I was kidnapped killed by the enemy.

Here I am 100 years later Resurrected with all my memories and without my queen. I've been searching for her but I haven't had any luck

"Kenma has anybody seen the woman I've been looking for?" I ask

"No my lord" he says making me sigh. Maybe she hasn't resurrected yet.

"Are you ready to go to the market?" Yaku asks

"I guess" I say getting up out my throne. I look over to what use to be y/n's throne

I go outside and hop on my horse and we were on our way to the market

"My lord when are you going to marry?" Yaku asks

"Yeah my lord you have a lot of wonderful woman willing to marry you" kenma says

"They don't have what I'm looking for" I say honestly as we get to the market

"My lord your 25 you'll be 30 before you know it" Yaku says. If those woman aren't my y/n I don't want them.

As we get to the market a body was thrown in front of our horses making us stop.

"What's the meaning of this?" I ask getting of my horse

"My lord! This thef stole water and fruit from me!"

I walk over to the thef who had a hood over their head

"Show your face thef" I say. They lift their head and I snatch the hood off.

"Show your face" I say

They lift their head up shocking me

"Y/n?" I whisper in shock


"My lord you know this peasant?" Yaku asks

"This peasant will be my wife" I say grabbing y/n up from the ground

"My lord! She's nothing but a mere peasant! Wouldn't you want to marry someone of a high status?" Yaku asks but I ignore him

"Y/n do you know who I am? Do you remember who I am?" I ask her softly

"Yes I do my love" she whispers making my heart skip a couple of beats. That's exactly what she called me 100 years ago.

"We're going back to the palace and when we do run her a bubble" I say putting y/n on my horse

"My lord" Yaku says trying to stop me

"Are you questioning my choices?" I ask

"N-no sir" he says

"Thought so. Let's go" I say getting onto the horse and we make our way back to the palace.

"My lord the peasant had asked to see you" Yaku says

"Her name is y/n she will be your queen and you will address her as such" I say standing up

"Yes my lord" Yaku says with a sigh

Once I reach the room y/n was bathing in I smile.

"Hello love" I say sitting down in a chair next to the tub

"Hi" she says smiling

"You requested to see me?" I ask

"Yes if you could please leave?" Y/n asks the staff. She waits until their out of the room to speak again

"I missed you" she admits

"As did I love...why didn't you come see me sooner?" I ask

"I tried...your guard's wouldn't let in a peasant like me in" she says with a sigh

"Well your never a peasant in my eyes. You'll always be my queen" I say kissing her forehead

"Wash my hair?" She asks

"Of course...ya know I knew you'd come back to me sooner or later so I kept your special shampoos, conditioners, and oils" I say

"Thank you" she says

As I washed her hair I get old flashbacks from 100 years ago. From our wedding to our honeymoon.

"My love? Are you crying?" Y/n asks

"Oh sorry I didn't realize it...I just missed you. It was my fault they got to you. They killed you and our unborn child" I say whipping my tears that just kept coming

"Don't blame yourself my love...The gods have brought me back to you" y/n says turning to me

"And I am in forever in their debt...I love you" I say grabbing her hands

"I love you to"

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