Hard time//Oikawa

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⚠️⚠️mentioning of death⚠️⚠️

"I'm sorry... she didnt make it" the doctor says making the oikawa family break down. Oikawa got up and walked to the vending machine for water

He got his water leaning up against the vending machine crying his eyes out. His mother was gone. His bestfriend was gone. What was he going to do?

His soul reason for living and for doing better was gone

"NO!!! DADDY!"

He looks up seeing a melanin girl screaming with tears.

"Y/n he's gone"

"let.ME GO! DADDY YOU CANT GO!" She says as another male grabs her by the arms dragging her out a hospital room

If oikawa hadn't just lost his mother he'd comfort the girl himself

"We need to hurry and bury Silvia" oikawa hears

"How fast?"

"Maybe next Tuesday"

"Why so quick?!" Oikawa asks


"Your sure shoving mother under the dirt quick" oikawa says glaring at his family

"We just- want to get it over with"

"Whatever take me home" he says rolling his eyes

That whole week oikawa was depressed and hurt. How dare his other leave him alone by himself.

"Come on toru time for the funeral" his dad says

His dad look like he hadn't slept in years

"I'm not going" oikawa Says

"Toru im not doing this with you. Let's go " his dad says Walking away

Oikawa sighs grabbing his suit jacket and leaving out the door

Oikawa and his family reach the cemetery. He didn't even want to get out the car. Oikawas knees felt weak as his mother casket was lowered into the ground

"M-M-Ma!" He says falling to his knees crying into his hands and arms

"It'll get better uncle toru"

"Tha-thank you" oikawa says patting his nephews head

"We'll meet you in the car. Let you say your final goodbyes" his dad says leaving with the family

He stared at his mother's head stone and broke down once more.

"This isn't real. This isn't real! It can't be... mom come back please" he says

After about five minutes oikawa finally gets up kissing his mother's head stone and walking to the car.

As he was walking he seen a familiar person at a headstone. It was the girl from the hospital

"Are you gonna just stand there or speak to me?"

Oikawa nods and sits next to girl on the ground

"Is this your dad?" Oikawa asks

"Yeah" y/n says

"H-hello sir" oikawa says Bowing his head

He noticed a necklace around her neck that she was messing with. It was a pretty golden heart shaped locket

"This necklace has my daddy's ashes in it I know it might sound weird to you but... he's always with me this way" y/n mumbles

"It's not weird." Oikawa admits

"So I'm guessing you lost someone close to you" y/n asks

"Uh yeah my mom...she was my bestfriend"oikawa says Almost crying again

"Same with my dad" y/n says

For about two minutes it was a comfortable silence

"Whats ya name" y/n asks

"Toru oikawa" oikawa responded back

"Well toru...seeing as we both buried our bestfriends today how about we become bestfriends" y/n says smiling at the brown haired boy

The sun shining down on her beautiful skin

"I'd like that" oikawa says smiling

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