Make me//Kageyama

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It was a regular day. You woke up to the sun shining and an empty bed. You went to your daughters room and didn't see her in the crib.

You went downstairs to see her watching Tv in Kageyama's lap who was on his phone. You snatch her off his lap making her giggle

"Hey mamas! You had a good morning with daddy?" You ask her kissing her nose. You gave birth to chin-sun(but you called her sunny) a few months ago. She was a happy baby and was adored by everyone

 She was a happy baby and was adored by everyone

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You lean down giving Kageyama a kiss.

"Hey uh babe the guys are about to come get sunny is that okay?" He asks

"Sure they coming right now?" You ask. He nods as you take sunny up stairs to get her ready to spend a day with her uncles. It didn't take you long except for when you tried to lay her edges she got fussy and started calling for Kageyama who came to her rescue.

"Sunny!" Tanka says smiling at the baby. Her face lights up reaching for her uncle

"I want her back home before 10"Kageyama says

"She's 6 months Kags not 16!"Daichi says making everyone laugh

"I'm serious!"

"Okay! She'll be home before 10"Suga says as he grabs her bag and leaving. With Sunny being gone you figured you'd get some cleaning done. You started with the main rooms like the bathrooms,Kitchen,and bedrooms. Sunny had toys everywhere. With Kageyama spoiling her,every toy she picked up in the store he bought it for her.

You had cook and cleaned every room except for the living room where Kageyama was and he didnt show any signs of leaving. He had his feet up on the table. You were trying to vacuum but couldnt do it with him in the way.

"Baby stop cleaning so much and come chill with me" He says as he grabs your arm

"I will Once I finish" You tell him

"No I want you to stop right now" he says with his voice full of damand

"Who you talking to?" You asks as you turn the vacuum off

"My wife now come sit the hell down now" He says. You ignore him and turn the vacuum back on and continue to clean. This makes him mad as he groans. As you get to where he is you sigh as You try to vacuum

"Can You move?" You asks

"I dont know can my wife come sit down with me?" He asks not taking his eyes off the tv

"Tobio move"You say rolling your eyes

"Make me" He says smirking

You roll your eyes turning the vacuum off. You march over to him and take his legs off the table. when you do he pulls you into his lap wrapping his arms around you

"Let me go" You say

"Make me" He says as he kisses your neck

"Tobio let me go so I can finish cleanin-Ahhh" He had fount your spot and now you were ice melting in his hands. Soon enough both of your clothes were on the floor

"I cant beleive You forgot to get her food!"

"You were the one that grabbed the bag"

"You should have checked it before we pulled off!"

Kageyama looks up seeing his friends in the kitchen. He rolls his eyes forgetting he gave them a key to his home

"Ya know what I wont take anymore disrespect- what are yall two doing?"Tanaka ask as everyone directs their attention to the couch

"I was about to fuck my wife untill you guys came in"Kageyama says as you slap his chest

"Well we forgot sunny's food" Hinata says

"And you couldn't just buy some at the store?" You asks

"Why would we do that if she has food here?" Tanaka asks

"anyway!! We are gonna let you to get back down to Business" Daichi says pushing them out the door

"Please"Kageyama mumbles as they leave closing and locking the door

"Now where we?" He asks with a smirk

"I Beleive we were at make me" You say smirking

Heyyy bestiesss

Face revel🙃?

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