Still my baby//Sakusa

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"What do you mean he's sick?!" Sakusa screams at Yn

"I think it's a 24 hour bug he should be fine in the morning" Yn says rubbing her son's stomach

"W-well what are his symptoms?" Sakusa ask

"He has a slight fever and he's throwing up" Yn says

"Ahh that's nasty! Where did he throw up at?!" He asks making Yn roll her eyes

"Dadaa" Kahmari says from the couch

"Yn baby we have to remove him from the couch" sakusa says calmly

"And do what? Put him in a bubble?" Yn asks sarcastically. She looks over at Sakusa who was blowing up an inflatable bubble. She gets up taking the bubble from him throwing it away

"I'm not putting my four year old in a damn bubble" Yn says

"But baby! He's sick! You could get sick! I could get sick! We need to clean and disinfect NOW!" Sakusa says frantically

"Sakusa! This is our son! I understand your a germaphobe but you have to stop" Yn says

"Baby look! He's throwing up!" Sakusa says whining

Yn sighs cleaning up The baby and the throw up getting him dressed.

"Mommy! Dadaa" kahmari says

"Daddy's being an asshole! So we're going to GG's house!" Yn says smiling down at her son

"Yayyy! GG!" Kahmari says but insently regret it as his head started to hurt making him whine

"Your leaving?" Sakusa asks

"Yes we are. You and your little phobia is getting on my nerves. It won't even let you take care of Kahmari! He called for you three times but you sitting over there with that damn mask on continuously putting hand sanitizer on yo damn hands! So with that being said I will be at a house where they wouldn't mind helping me take care of our sick son" Yn says rolling her eyes grabbing Kahmari's bag

"Yn please don't go" I say grabbing her hand

"Oop watch out! I've been touching Kahmari all day. Don't wanna get his germs" Yn says with a sarcastic tone

"Your really gonna go?" Sakusa asks

"Yup! That what I can give you time and space to disinfect" Yn says before leaving out the door

"Love you!!" Sakusa shouts but didn't get a response back

"Girl I told you not to marry that germaphobe" Lele says making Yn roll her eyes

"He may be a dumbass and a germaphobe but...he's my dumbass germaphobe" Yn says

"Cool and all but he's so worried about germs does even spend time with Kahmari?" Lele asks

"Yes he does but he takes extra concoction and now with COVID going around he doesn't play that shit at all! Kahmari be walking around with a shield on his face" Yn says sighing

"Poor baby. Got a stupid ass daddy" Lele says making Yn laugh

"That he does but Sakusa loves him" Yn says

"Girl just leave him! You know Kuroo wants a piece of you" Lele says smirking

"At least tell him your not interested he think he has a chance" kenma says walking pass on his switch

"He would have had a chance if I wasn't already married" Yn says as she and Lele laugh


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