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-Bokuto pov-

"Okay everybody's here" I say as we load the bus. I smile as I look around my smile soon falls as I didn't see my girlfriend.

"Where the heck is y/n?" I ask

"I'm right here!" She says walking onto the bus

"And where were you?" I ask

"Sorry dad I went and got some snacks" she says rolling her eyes

"Did you get me something?" I ask with a pout

"No...respectfully" she says

"Really?" I ask about to cry

"Nah I'm just playing with ya I got the whole team something" she says passing out snacks

"That's my baby!" I say smiling

When she was done she came back and sat next to Akaashi.

"Baee!!!" I whine

(Bae!! Look I got on the mullato sweat shirt you got me!!)

"Yes Bokuto" she says

"You sat with Akaashi on the way here! Come sit with me!" I say

"Babe Akaashi's my bestfriend" she says

"So am I! He's my best friend to!" I say

That's how me and y/n got together in the first place. She was me and Akaashi's bestfriend. As time grew I started to devolve feelings for her.

"Fine" she says coming to sit next to me. I giggle and grab her into my arms

"You better watch out for me hair" she says

"Girl I'll mess yo hair up" I say putting her in a headlock

"Bokuto don't play with me!" She shouts making the bus erupt in laughter

-time skip-

I sigh and stretch as we get off the bus. I wait for y/n to get off so we can go home together.

"Team meeting" coach says

We all head to the gym and sit on the floor. I sit y/n in my lap and cuddling my face into her breast falling asleep

-y/n's pov-

As the meeting ended I could hear Bokuto snoring on me. I smile at him. He was so tired he played his all today I was proud of him

"Come on Bokuto time to go" I say shaking him

"I'm tired" he mumbles

"I know let's go home" I say

"I wanna snuggle" he mumbles

"We can snuggle all you want when we get home" I tell him laughing. And I was true to my words. When we got home I changed my clothes and let Bokuto cuddle me as we laid on the couch

"Now that's fucked up" I say as Eun-Hyuk from sweet home dies

(chef kiss! Master piece! Wonderful show and it has my baby song kang in it🥺)

"Y/n?" Bokuto says

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry" I say looking down at Bokuto who had his cheek on my stomach. He looks up at me and shakes his head

"No you didn't" he says kissing my stomach. Turn back to the tv watching the rest of the episode running my hands through Bokuto's hair

"Y/n" he says

"Yes Bokuto" I say never taking my eyes off the tv

"Your cuddles are the best" he says making me laugh

"Thank you" I say

"Don't ever bless another man like how you bless me" he says confusing me

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You blessed me y/n. I love you. You've blessed me with your laugh,your looks,your jokes, the way You take care of me, I'm such a lucky man" he says

As long as I've known him he's never said something like this. I smile and kiss his forehead then his lips

"I love you to Bokuto"


Aw cute 🥰

But anyways I'm working on an Akaashi smut and I have an idea for another smut but who do y'all want it for?

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