Clean up// kenma

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-Y/n pov-

I sigh as I slap Kenna's feet off my coffee table. He looked up from his switch for a split second and goes back to playing.

I had been cleaning for about an hour and what did kenma do? Lay on my coach and play animal crossing

"Do you mind?" I ask

"Mind what?" He asks

"Do you mind helping me clean up?" I ask

"Why should I?" He asks almost making me throw the broom at him

"Cause you basically live with me! Your always here!" I say

"You want me here" he says

"Maybe I do but you come over without asking!" I say

"And?" He says

"Kenma you can at least help pick up I cook and clean bro" you says sitting on the couch

" wanna a ring?" He asks being funny

"It's not funny I'll break this fucking switch" you say snatching it and throwing it on the other couch. He sighs and pulls out his phone

"Kenmaaa" I whine crawling on top of him laying on his chest

"What Y/n?" He asks

"Please help me clean up I'll buy you a new game" I say

"Fine if It gets you to leave me alone" he says pushing me off

"And I get a kiss please" I ask pouting

"Can I play animal crossing?" He asks. I roll my eyes and get up heading to the bathroom. I became irritable with kenma

Kenma spent a night really often and like I said earlier, he basically lives with me.As his girlfriend you cook for him, clean up, and even massage his back arms and legs when he comes over after practice.

It pisses me off that you do all this and he had an attitude.

I was cleaning the bathroom counter when I felt arms around my waist. I look up in the mirror seeing kenma. I roll you eyes and shrug him off me

I grab the windex spraying the mirror

"What's with the attitude?" He asks

"Stop talking to me kenma" I say whipping the mirror down Before walking away to the kitchen

I start cleaning around the kitchen. Kenma followed me to the kitchen

"What's wrong with you?" He asks but I ignore him

"Your just going to ignore me?" He asks But I say nothing

"Y/n?!" He shouts

"What kenma!" I shout back

"What's wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" He asks

"I'm annoyed with you" I say honestly

"Why are you annoyed with me?" He asks

"I ask you to clean up and you get an attitude. I cook, clean, and massage you when you have sore muscles after a long practice. I don't ask you to do much around here because it's my house, but at the same time your here up under me every day and I just ask you to do something as simple as Vacuum the damn floor and you catch an attitude! I shouldn't have to beg and bribe you!" I say

"Y/n-" he says but I cut him off

"I'm not finish! Now if you want to sit up and play on your switch that's cool! Do it! Play on it and sit on your ass! But you won't do it in my house! You clean up and play later or you get the hell out" I say walking to your room

I start making your bed and cleaning off my dresser. A few seconds later I hear the vacuum. I straighten up some more before going to the living room where kenma was now whipping down the table

I just stand in the doorway watching him. Once his was done he grabbed me bringing me to the couch where the pillows were fluffed and your blanket Nicely folded on the back of it

"I'm sorry. You really do a lot for me and I don't even ask. I really appreciate it. I'll help you clean up more" he says with a slight smile

"Thank you kenma" I say smiling back

"C-can I have a kiss?" He asks with a blush

"Of course you can" I giggling kissing his lips

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