Stop calling me that//Daichi

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-Sugawara's pov-

We were on the bus on our way to Tokyo. I was sitting down across from Daichi and y/n. Y/n was our other manger. Her and Daichi were a fling. Everybody knew they had a crush on each other but they both won't put their pride aside and tell each other how they feel.

They've been messing around with each other since grade 9. They love each other and they know it. Their scared to admit

"Daddyyy!" Y/n says smirking

"Y/n stop! I told you stop calling me that!" Daich try's to whisper but the whole bus heard him

"Whatever can I have some of your juice?" She asks

"Say Daichi can I have some juice" Daichi says

"Okay...daddy can I have some juice?" She asks

"Y/n!" Daichi shouts

"Okay fine Daichi can I get some juice?" Y/n asks

"Here" he says handing her the bottle of juice which she put her lips on Making all of us gasp

"Why'd you do that?" Daichi asks

"Boy stop! Acting like we don't kiss every damn day" she mumbles but I heard it. I slowly look over at Kageyama who was sitting next to me

"Are Daichi and y/n together?" He asks

"Uhh that's something you have to ask them" I say

-Y/n's pov-

We were now eating outside after the boys practiced and the girls were talking

"Soo y/n anybody special?" Yukie asks. I smirk and look at Daichi. I take a sip from my cup and point to Daichi

"You and your captain?"hana Asks

"He's not my captain" I say smirking

"Oh he's your man?"mai asks

"Not yet at least" I say smirking

"Okay girl" Hana says

"Watch this" I say handing yukie my cup making my way over to Daichi who was talking with Kuroo and Bokuto. I grab Daichi's hand wrapping his arms around me

"Uh hey y/n" he says smiling down at me

"Hey daddy" I say smirking making Bokuto and Kuroo do a spit take

"Y/n! Stop" he says

"Can I have a kiss?" I ask

"Now? In front of everybody?!" He asks

"Please daddy" I say pouting

"Daddy?" Bokuto asks

"Yes" I say smirking

"Y/n I'm not going to do this with you right now go back over there with the girls" he says

"No gimme a kiss first" I say

"Y/n" he says I roll my eyes and just let him go

"Bye Daichi" I say walking away. I didn't like the fact that he's making it seem like I'm thirsty for him and it's not that at all.

Cause when there is nobody around his all In my face. He sighs and grabs my arm making me snatching it back

"No get of me for real" I say walking away

-Daichi's pov-

I watch as y/n walks away. I sigh and go after her.

"Y/n" I say grabbing her arm but she snatches away from me. I sigh and roll my eyes

"You better go after her" Bokuto says

"Before I do" Kuroo says As he and Bokuto laugh. I nod and go after her. I follow her into the gym where she was helping Hinata and Kageyama.

"Hinata and Kageyama can I speak to y/n alone" I ask

"Uh sure cap" Hinata says as they drop the ball

"No y'all ain't gotta go! Whatever he has to say he can say it in front of y'all" she says

"Hinata. Kageyama. Get out" I say sternly

"Yupp okay bye y/n!" They both say leaving. I wait until they are out of ear shot before I walk up to y/n. She rolls her eyes and tried to walk away but I grabbed her arm

"Daichi let me go like for real" she says looking away from me. I start cradling her to my body

"Y/n look at me...look at me!!" I say sternly

"What Daichi!" She says finally looking at me

"Why are you being like this?" I ask

"Why am I being like this?...WHY AM I BEING LIKE THIS?! YOUR FAKE!!" She says trying to snatch away from me

"How? Tell me please so I can fix it" I say

"You make me look thirsty in front of everybody and I don't like that! You always in my face when nobody around! When we together I call you daddy and you don't have a problem with it! You answer me like that's the name Ya mother gave you! But when I address you as daddy in front of everybody you act brand new!" She says making me sigh

"And on top of that you play with my emotions! All the time! You know how I feel about you! You know I have feelings for you and I know you have feelings for me! So what's keeping us from being together? Is there somebody else?" She asks

"No y/n it's not" I say

"So what is it?" She asks

"I-I don't deserve you. I don't wanna let you down. I wanna give you everything but I can't right now" I tell her honestly

"Daichi...I don't give a fuck about none of that shit! I want you and that's all this matters!" She says

"Really?" I ask

"Really" she says

"Okay well with that being said...will you be my girlfriend?" I ask

"I don't know you been really playing with me" she says

"Y/n please don't be like this. I know what want and I want you" I say

"Well when you put it like that...yes...I'll be your girlfriend" she says smiling

"Thank you...can I have a kiss?" I ask

"Did you give me a kiss when I asked?" She asks

"Y/n baby please" I say making her basically melt in my arms

"Mhm okay daddy" she says grabbing my face kissing my lips

"You know...I've loved you for a long time" I say

"Since grade 9?" She asks

"Since grade 9...I really do love you y/n I was scared to admit. I knew we had a thing but I wasn't sure"I confirm

"Well. I love you to" she says smiling

"So you guys made up?" Sugawara asks walking in with asahi

"Yeah we did" I say

"Are you together now?" Asahi asks

Before I could say anything y/n grabs both sides of my face kissing me. When she pulls away she smears her lipgloss over my lips smirking.

"I'll see you later okay daddy" y/n says winking at me as she walks away and out the gym

"About time!" Suga says

"I'm happy for you man" asahi says patting my back

"Me to toooo" I say smiling

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