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Ushijima sighs as he puts groceries in the basket. His roommates decided to eat everything and not go grocery shopping and seeing as he's the only responsible adult he had to do it.

"Tendou wanted pop tarts? Of course he does" he says looking at this list

Just then a figure ducked down in front of his cart. He slowly looks over seeing a hooded woman shaking

"Uh ma'am are you okay?" He asks. The woman looks up quickly making her hood fall off her head. Ushijima gasp at her face

"I-I'm fine" she says putting her hood on getting up speed walking to the end of the isle. Ushijima shrugs getting the chocolate chip pop tarts off the shelf


He turns his head seeing some man choking the woman from earlier.

"Shawn!let me go!" The girl shouts

"Bitch shut up! I told you not to go no where! You thought you were slick!" The man says swinging on the woman

"I told you stop putting your hands on me!" Yn screams swinging back making them start a fist fight

Soon a crowd was around them.nobody helping. Ushijima slowly walks over to the scene

"Hey!" He shouts as the man named Shawn threw yn to the floor. Ushijima hurry's getting to his knees looking at yn

"Ms are you okay?" Ushijima asks

"N-no" Yn says as he eyes close

"Ms...Ms? Ms?!" Ushijima says lightly tapping her face. He quickly checks her pulse making sure she was still breathing. She was.

Ushijima sighs in relief

"Oh so you gon help her?"

Ushijima looks up at the man and scoff

"What kind of man are you? Putting your hands on a woman?" Ushijima asks standing up towering over the man. Shawn gulps but still tries to hold his ground not letting the hight difference scare him

"I'm more of a man than you" he says making Ushijima chuckle

"Oh really?" Ushijima asks taking off his hoodie throwing it in the basket. He grabs yn putting her up against a near by shelf

"Yeah really. I advise you give me my girl back" Shawn says

"She's not your girl anymore" Ushijima says

"Oh she's yours?" Shawn asks laughing

"No but I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to be with an abuser!" Ushijima says cocking his arm back and swinging on Shawn knocking him clean out

Ushijima shakes his hand with a sigh. He turns around seeing the crowd shocked

"Continue with your shopping sorry for the disruption" Ushijima says bowing,picking up in and leaving the store without his groceries.

-time skip-

"Wakatoshiiii!! Did you get my pop tarts?" Tendou says as Ushijima walks in the house

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