Come get me// Nishinoya

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-Noya's pov-

"Yo Noya your phone keeps ringing get it" coach says. I nod and go over to my phone seeing I had 12 missed calls and 21 messages. I hurry up and call her back and she answers on the first ring

"Hey baby" I say as she answers

"Noyaa" she says sounding like she was sad

"What's wrong baby?" I ask

"Noya can you please come get me?" She says sniffling

"I'm on my way what's wrong baby?" I ask putting my jacket on

"I'll tell you later just please come get me" she says

"Okay baby I'm on my way" I say hanging up and grabbing my bag and keys

"Coach I have to go" I say

"Go? Go where?" Coach asks

"I have to go get y/n she needs me" I say running out the gym. Before I go get y/n I stop by Pizza Hut and get her some food cause I know she's probably hungry.

After getting the food I go and pick up y/n. She was outside sitting on her porch. I get out my car running over to her

"Baby why are you outside?" I ask.she just shakes her head. I pick her up and take her to my car. When we get to my house she tried to eat.

"Baby no go get in the bath first" I say

"Then I can eat?" She asks cutely. I smile and peck her lips

"Yes of course" I say smiling. She gives me a small smile

"Okay" she says going to the bathroom. I make her plate and put a movie on.

"Noya!" Y/n shouts from my room

"Yes baby?" I says coming into my room

"Can you lotion me up?" She asks handing me a jar of cocoa butter

"Of course let me go get your food" I say going to get her plate and bringing it to her. I sit down on the bed and start rubbing her feet

"Thank you for coming to get me Noya" y/n says putting her plate on the nightstand

"No problem baby I'll do it again in a heart beat" I say smiling. She opens her arms inviting me to come cuddle hear.

I smile getting in the bed laying down on my back. I grab her laying her down on my chest. I kiss her forehead and squeeze her a bit

"I love you y/ much" I say

"I love you to" she says falling asleep

"I love you to" she says falling asleep——————————————————————-

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