Meet my girlfriend//Kita

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-Kita's pov-

"Arent you nervous?" I ask yn as she puts on lipgloss

"Should I be?" She asks popping her lips.

yn was meeting my team mates aka my only friends. Most girls probably would be nervous but yn was just chilling. She was like this even when she met my parents.

"No I guess" I say shrugging watch as she puts on a oversize flannel completing her outfit

"No I guess" I say shrugging watch as she puts on a oversize flannel completing her outfit

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(I dress like this and my mom HATES it she says I look like a little boy lmfaoo)

"Do you think they'd like you?" I ask

"Kita...I dont give a fuck if they dont. Your parents call me daughter-in law...I Could care less about what your little friends think about me" She says sitting on my lap. I snicker kissing your cheeks

"Ok then with that being said lets get going" I say


I grab yn's hand as we walk into the restaurant.

"Look it's Kita!"

"Wassup cap!"

"Hey guys" I say waving

"Who this?" Atsumu asks

"I'm yn his girlfriend" yn says smiling Putting her hand out for them to shake only to have them just look at her hand

"Uhhh okay" yn says putting her hand away

"Here baby sit down" I say pulling her chair out for her to sit down

"He pulled her chair out"

"Who knew he had proper etiquette"

"You mean proper manners?"

"Yeah that"

"So how long have you two been together?" Atsumu asks

"About a year" yn says

"Okay...he was not talking to you" omimi says

"Hey!" I say. I look over at yn who just sighed never letting her smile fall

"She's pretty" Suna says

"Thank you what's your name?yn asks smiling

"Suna" he responds flatly

"What are you ordering baby?" I ask

"(Your favorite food)" she says smiling at me

"That's all you wanna eat" I say chuckling

"It's good!" She says giggling

"Must be the honeymoon phase"

"So yn where are you from?" Suna asks

"America but I came here studying abroad" yn says

"Ohhh so you smart smart!" Ojiro says making yn laugh

"Don't mean to toot my own horn but I've never had anything lower than a B in my life" yn says smirking

"Toot toooo" I say taking a sip from my water making her slap my arm

"So how did you meet kita"Akagi asks smiling at yn. At least somebody is happy to speak to yn

"At a park. I was sitting on a swing and he came and sat next to me" yn says smiling at me making me blush and look away

"Who spoke to who first?" Atsumu asks

"I did. I accidentally hit him with my water bottle" yn says rubbing my forehead where she hit me at

"You let her smack you!?" Ojiri ask making the table laugh

"I didn't know she'd smack me!" I say

"But aren't you glad I did? If I didn't we probably wouldn't be together" yn says kissing my cheek

"Baby stop not in front of the guys" I mumble blushing

"This is gross" I hear somebody mumble

"I'm going to the bathroom I'll be back" yn says patting my shoulder. I wait until she was out of eat shot before speaking

"How do you like her?" I ask

"You love her?" Atsumu asks

"I do" I say

"You didn't tell us she was black" Riseki says

"Iss...that a problem?" I ask

"Yeah I'm black" ojiro says looking at him with a weird look

"Uh no I just thought you'd tell us" he says

"Why does it matter?" Ojiro and I ask at the same time

"The real question is why didn't you tell us about her sooner" Suna asks

"Can you blame me? Look at how your acting? You didn't even shake her hand when she introduced herself" I say rolling my eyes

"We were in shocked is all" Suna says

"I like her! She has a good vibe to her" Akagi says

"And y'all think y'all funny I heard y'all little slick comments down there. If my baby stops smiling one time I won't hesitate to leave" and cancel practice tomorrowI say as the waiter comes back with our food

"Kita come on" Atsumu says but I ignore him

Soon yn came back Her eyes lighting up at the food on the table

"Ahh yes I'm so hungry!" She says

"So yn tell us about yourself" Suna says

"Me?" She asks

"Yeah it seems your going to be around a long while so we want know more about you if you don't mind" Atsumu says smiling

"Oh okay what do you want to know?" She asks

"What made you want to study abroad?" Ojiro asks

"Well" yn says smiling

-time skip-

"Thank you for coming to meet us yn!" Atsumu says smiling hugging yn

By the end of the night everybody actually got to know yn and they love her.

"Yeah we enjoyed your company! Don't be a stranger okay!" Ojiro says smiling making yn smile go wide

"Okay! It was nice meeting you!" She says

They all wave as they walk away

"Baby your teammates love me!" Yn says jumping on me

"I just knew they would" I say

"Are you sure? Cause you asked me if I was nervous" she says smirking at me

"I-I just wanted to know if- it doesn't matter dinner was a success! Let's go have ice cream" I say grabbing her hand

"Wait!" She says stopping

"What yn-" she cuts me off by kissing my lips. She pulls away smiling at me. I was stuck. She giggles grabbing my hand

"I want vanilla what about you?" She asks smirking at me

"That's my baby" I say shaking my head


Isn't kita just so hot?!

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